ᐅ California Inmate Finder

California Department of Corrections

California Jail Inmate Search

Find an Inmate in California

The California Jail Inmate database allows you to search millions of inmate records across California’s county and city courthouses. This quick and comprehensive search saves you hours of time and effort.

How to Use the California Inmate Finder Effectively

Easily search for inmate records across California’s prisons using our A-Z directory. By selecting a letter, you can access inmates sorted by last names, helping you quickly locate individuals. Stay informed with updated records directly from correctional facilities. Whether you’re searching for public data, criminal history, or parole status, this tool provides fast and reliable access.

About California Jail Inmates: California Jail Inmates offers the fastest and most convenient way to locate inmate records. With access to extensive records, you can be sure to find the information you need. Simply perform a quick search on the database to browse through the available inmate records.

For those seeking inmate information in California, this database is an invaluable resource for obtaining accurate and up-to-date records efficiently.

How do you search out why someone is in Jail or Prison?
You can contact the Clerk of the Court to get the transcripts of the case and the sentencing where they were adjudicated or USE SEARCH FORM below

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ᐅ California Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Jack Lee Judlin, 30
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Vacaville, CA
Cdcr California State Prison Solano Sol
Jackee J Jeffries, 34
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Soledad, CA
Soledad Jail
Jackie Lynn Dunson, 41
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Milpitas, CA
Elmwood Ca Women S Facility
Jack Lopez, 26
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Imperial, CA
Cdcr California State Prison Centinela Cen
Jack Mills, 60
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Delano, CA
Cdcr Kern Valley State Prison Kvsp
Jack Whitten
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Visalia, CA
Tulare County Mens Correctional Facility Mcf
Jack Lynn Bradshaw, 59
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Ione, CA
Cdcr Mule Creek State Prison Mcsp
Jack Tagliaferro, 46
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San Pedro, CA
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Terminal Island
release date:June 4, 2019
Jack Luquin, 34
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Wasco, CA
Cdcr Wasco State Prison Reception Center Wsp
Jack Mcdavis, 24
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Susanville, CA
Cdcr High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Jack Leroy Fuller, 32
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Jamestown, CA
Cdcr Sierra Conservation Center Scc
Jack Robert R Sackrider, 50
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Avenal, CA
Cdcr Avenal State Prison Asp
Jack Ryan Huffman, 33
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Blythe, CA
Cdcr Chuckawalla Valley State Prison Cvsp
Jackeline Bravatti, 25
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Milpitas, CA
Elmwood Ca Women S Facility
Jack Norris Kagarise, 29
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Chowchilla, CA
Cdcr Valley State Prison Vsp
Jack Stokes
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Castaic, CA
Los Angeles La County Jail Pitchess Detention North
Jackie Albert Queen, 57
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San Luis Obisbo, CA
Cdcr California Mens Colony Cmc
Jack Wayne Hill, 46
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Chino, CA
Cdcr California Institution For Men Cim Chino State Prison
Jack Ramirez
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San Luis Obisbo, CA
Cdcr California Mens Colony Cmc
Jack Mitchell Mccabe, 62
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Vacaville, CA
Cdcr California Medical Facility Cmf
Jack Loney, 37
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Vacaville, CA
Cdcr California State Prison Solano Sol
Jack Mcneill
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Blythe, CA
Cdcr Ironwood State Prison Isp
Jackie Lee Keesee, 67
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Chowchilla, CA
Cdcr Valley State Prison Vsp
Jackie Aaron Henderson, 43
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Chowchilla, CA
Cdcr Valley State Prison Vsp
Jack R Mcgee, 68
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Ione, CA
Cdcr Mule Creek State Prison Mcsp
Jack Owen Scott, 53
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Corcoran, CA
Cdcr California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Satf Csp Corcoran
Jack Mootz, 64
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Lompoc, CA
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Lompoc
release date:February 23, 2025
Jackeline Lopez
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Corona, CA
Cdcr California Institution For Women Ciw
Jack Robert Butcher, 52
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Calipatria, CA
Cdcr Calipatria State Prison Cal
Jack Lee Calderon, 47
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San Diego, CA
Cdcr Richard J Donovan Correctional Facility Rjd
Jack Vashane Knight, 40
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Ione, CA
Cdcr Mule Creek State Prison Mcsp
Jack Lee Gilbert, 74
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San Diego, CA
Cdcr Richard J Donovan Correctional Facility Rjd
Jackie Brocher Hailey, 41
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Lancaster, CA
Lancaster Ca Police Jail
Jack William Guevara, 46
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Chino, CA
Cdcr California Institution For Men Cim Chino State Prison
Jackari Nagie, 39
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Susanville, CA
Susanville Jail
Jack Wayne Friend, 60
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San Quentin, CA
Cdcr San Quentin State Prison Sq
Jack Orlando Johnson, 54
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Lancaster, CA
Lancaster Ca Police Jail
Jack Phuoc Le, 31
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Vacaville, CA
Cdcr California State Prison Solano Sol
Jack Ramirez, 34
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Jamestown, CA
Cdcr Sierra Conservation Center Scc
Jack Witherington Simonton, 81
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Soledad, CA
Soledad Jail
Jack Thomas Newman Franklin, 47
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Susanville, CA
Susanville Jail
Jack Torres Gomez, 48
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Susanville, CA
Susanville Jail
Jack Rutigliano, 41
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Susanville, CA
Cdcr High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Jack William Siegel, 50
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San Luis Obisbo, CA
Cdcr California Mens Colony Cmc
Jack William Kiney, 71
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San Diego, CA
Cdcr Richard J Donovan Correctional Facility Rjd
Jack Lee Wright, 56
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San Pedro, CA
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Terminal Island
release date:May 2, 2019
Jack Ward
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Fairfield, CA
Solano County Justice Center Detention Facility
Jack T Oliver, 60
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Vacaville, CA
Cdcr California Medical Facility Cmf
Jackie Chan
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Coalinga, CA
Cdcr Pleasant Valley State Prison Pvsp
Jack Thomson,
dob:February 18, 1964
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Avenal, CA
Cdcr Avenal State Prison Asp
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 286

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California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)
This search will only return adult inmates currently in the custody of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR).
Please note that the information displayed in the search results is subject to change. Information for inmates recently admitted to, or transferred between, prisons may not be available for several days. In addition, information regarding some offenders cannot be disclosed due to safety and security concerns. Visitors should contact the institution for current visiting information before traveling. If you cannot find an inmate, contact CDCR’s Identification Unit at (916) 445-6713 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. excluding state holidays.

9 thoughts on “ᐅ California Inmate Finder”

    • I said if that’s my son you better bring him back to fresno county Mother. . Elizabeth W Moreno ..stop with all this.

  1. Please remember that all of our institutional missives have been written (in EVERY case) by a current or former inmate at each facility.

  2. I was looking for Steven Benfield on these prison sites and I found him. Come to find out that CS was given natural life in Oregon but he kept squealing off his crime buddies and prison drugs. They move him all over.


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