Iowa Prison Inmate Search

Iowa Prison

Iowa Jail Inmate Search

The Iowa Jail Inmate Search provides comprehensive access to inmate records across the state, consolidating data from county courthouses into a single database. This system facilitates easy tracking and public access to details regarding individuals incarcerated in various Iowa prisons and jails. Additionally, the Iowa Department of Corrections emphasizes rehabilitation through diverse programs including education, mental health treatment, and work experiences, supporting inmates from incarceration to community reintegration. The department also employs restorative justice measures to ensure offenders contribute positively to society and help mitigate future risks.

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Iowa Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Davonte Derrick Moore, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Inmate Davonte Derrick Moore
Davion Demetri Gary, 18
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Davenport, IA
Scott County Ia Jail
Inmate Davion Demetri Gary
Dawn Marie Woodruff, 52
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Sickels,
dob:February 9, 1998
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Burlington, IA
Des Moines County Correctional Center
Davison Jacob Long, 20
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Davenport, IA
Scott County Ia Jail
Dawn Marie Woods, 52
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Corning, IA
Adams County Ia Jail
Davon Marcell Oliver, 18
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Davion Everette Madlock
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Waterloo, IA
Black Hawk County Jail
Dawn Marie Smith, 54
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dayne Richard Taylor, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Shyrock
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Esterville, IA
Emmet County Ia Jail
David Tomas Soto, 34
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawan Antone Patterson, 21
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Wesley Williams, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawn Shireen Forbes King, 48
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dayton Carl Mullenix, 19
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Wapello, IA
Louisa County Jail 2281
Daylon Ray Houston, 28
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Osceola, IA
Clarke County Ia Jail
Daylon Houston,
dob:October 27, 1989
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Newton, IA
Newton Ia Police Detention
David Silva Ramirez, 28
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Marshalltown, IA
Marshall County Ia Jail
David Ronald Barnes, 35
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Davonte Dwayne Banks, 25
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawson Wade Keller, 18
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Wayne Baxter, 35
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Wade Kimble, 51
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Coralville, IA
Ia Doc Iowa Medical And Classification Center Imcc
Daylin Rose Jones, 22
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Ranabargar
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Coralville, IA
Ia Doc Iowa Medical And Classification Center Imcc
Davontray Montrail Fields, 28
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawn Ann Griffith, 37
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Russell Holmes, 80
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Council Bluffs, IA
Pottawattamie County Ia Jail
David Willard Haynes, 58
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Washington, IA
Washington County Ia Jail
David Ray Hawkins, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Davon Sean Mosley, 22
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Shawn Watson, 46
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dayshawn Dejuan Simmons, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawn Marie Meyers, 50
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Daylon Houston
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Newton, IA
Newton Ia Police Detention
David Wayne Morrow, 47
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Davon Williams, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Shyrock
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Esterville, IA
Emmet County Ia Jail
Davonta Daquwan Sellers, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Wilburn Garrison, 39
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Rene Cruz, 29
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Des Moines, IA
Polk County Ia Jail New
David Scott Ewing, 37
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Des Moines, IA
Polk County Ia Jail New
David William Wells, 45
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawson Reed Brown, 20
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dayln Cornelius Harrington, 24
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Waterloo, IA
Black Hawk County Jail
Dayle Duane Frye, 55
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Nevada, IA
Story County Jail
Davonte Demarius Thompson, 25
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Des Moines, IA
Polk County Ia Jail New
David Romo Munoz, 51
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Sioux City, IA
Woodbury County Ia Jail
David Wayne Fox, 50
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Sikes
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Des Moines, IA
Polk County Ia Jail New
David Russell Flynn, 50
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Wayne Cross, 44
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Robert Lee Perry, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Davon Marcell Oliver
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Waterloo, IA
Black Hawk County Jail
David Roland Wilcox, 50
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Robert Warner, 23
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Nevada, IA
Story County Jail
David Scott Noel, 59
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dayquawne Dashawn Gates, 19
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Steele Weaver, 58
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Ywain Fields, 47
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawn Marie Clayton, 54
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Richard Norris, 27
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawn Marie Rosen, 41
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawone Darnell Henderson, 31
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Mucatine, IA
Muscatine County Jail
Dawn Marie Johnson, 49
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Davuntae Tremayne Lance Williams, 20
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Raymond Stewart, 52
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Dawn Shireen King, 48
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Waterloo, IA
Black Hawk County Jail
David William Johnson, 58
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
David Warnke
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Sac City, IA
Sac County Jail
David Sanchez, 40
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
1 ... 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ... 215

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