Iowa Prison Inmate Search

Iowa Prison

Iowa Jail Inmate Search

The Iowa Jail Inmate Search provides comprehensive access to inmate records across the state, consolidating data from county courthouses into a single database. This system facilitates easy tracking and public access to details regarding individuals incarcerated in various Iowa prisons and jails. Additionally, the Iowa Department of Corrections emphasizes rehabilitation through diverse programs including education, mental health treatment, and work experiences, supporting inmates from incarceration to community reintegration. The department also employs restorative justice measures to ensure offenders contribute positively to society and help mitigate future risks.

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You can contact the Clerk of the Court to get the transcripts of the case and the sentencing where they were adjudicated or USE SEARCH FORM below

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Iowa Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Colin James Winters, 31
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Davenport, IA
Scott County Ia Jail
Inmate Colin James Winters
Connie Jo Brown, 52
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Inmate Connie Jo Brown
Colyn Ray Miller, 24
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Inmate Colyn Ray Miller
Colique Depree Brown, 23
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Davenport, IA
Scott County Ia Jail
Inmate Colique Depree Brown
Colin Jacob Russell, 24
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Oskaloosa, IA
Mahaska County Jail
Colton Lee Spencevreeman, 22
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Spencer, IA
Clay County Ia Jail
Connie Jo Casey, 51
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton James Schultz, 22
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Waverly, IA
Bremer County Jail
Colton Lee Blankenship, 25
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Rickels
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Waverly, IA
Bremer County Jail
Coleman Thimmes
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Storm Lake, IA
Buena Vista County Ia Jail
Cole Riley Rothmeyer, 19
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Edward Phillips, 19
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole Timothy Christians, 22
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Collin Moser Scott, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton John Hoffman, 25
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole Allen Myers, 24
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole David Pearson, 33
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Connie Jo Espinoza, 24
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Spirit Lake, IA
Dickinson County Ia Jail
Cole Anthony Rushing, 21
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colin Murphy Smith, 19
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colleen Meagan Barnes, 31
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Albia, IA
Monroe County Ia Jail
Cole Lundquist
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Sioux City, IA
Woodbury County Juvenile Detention Center
Connie Diane Garrett, 53
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole Tyler Westby, 35
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Rock Rapids, IA
Lyon County Ia Jail
Colby Scott Hill, 26
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Ryan Wright, 36
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Collin Jacob Smith, 18
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colby Ray Puckett, 27
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Coleen Holiday Smith, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Patrick Gill, 26
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Conall Robinson, 47
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colby Suzette Gentry, 27
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton D Adams, 22
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Columbus Plum Lewis, 48
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Des Moines, IA
Polk County Ia Jail New
Connie Anne Moore, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Lee Mcdaniel, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole Bernard Mckenzie, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colten John Henry, 27
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole Bryant Anderson, 24
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Mucatine, IA
Muscatine County Jail
Colby Michael Thompson, 40
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Collin James Kelly, 25
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Joseph Carlson, 24
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colby Matthew Manning, 25
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Montrose, IA
Lee County Ia Jail
Coltyn Dean Christensen, 23
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Burlington, IA
Des Moines County Correctional Center
Colton David Black, 29
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Conan Lee Pierce, 25
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Corydon, IA
Wayne County Ia Jail
Collin Thomas O Donnell, 24
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Lane Pategas, 19
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Mucatine, IA
Muscatine County Jail
Colin Jess Brooks, 24
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colt Andrew Stewart, 31
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Ottumwa, IA
Wapello County Jail
Coltin Mcroy
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Anamosa, IA
Ia Doc Anamosa State Penitentiary Asp
Cole Michael Thompson, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole Willaim Smith, 23
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Collin Mason Mack, 30
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colby Ryan Malone, 27
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole Michael Johnson, 24
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Independence, IA
Buchanan County Ia Jail
Cole Evan Mayhugh, 22
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole William Lovell, 44
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colin Thomas Parsons, 28
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Lucas Turner, 22
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colt Tyler Johnson, 29
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colt Anthony Smith, 32
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Knoxville, IA
Marion County Ia Law Enforcement Center
Colleen Barnes
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Waverly, IA
Bremer County Jail
Collin Daniel Richards, 21
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colton Rickels,
dob:June 15, 1995
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Waverly, IA
Bremer County Jail
Colleen Suzanne Smith, 22
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Colt Tharon Johns, 24
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Cole Wayne Hoffman, 28
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Collin Van Blair, 20
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Waterloo, IA
Black Hawk County Jail
Colione Deshamione Fisher, 31
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
Coleton James William Berg, 26
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Des Moines, IA
Iowa Department Of Corrections Ia Doc
1 ... 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ... 215

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