Idaho Prison Inmate Search

Idaho Jail

Idaho Jail Inmate Search

Browse Federal Jail Inmate Reports on any Jail Inmate throughout Idaho. Instant access to detailed records regarding each jail inmate throughout Idaho. Idaho Prison and Jail Information Directory. The Idaho Department of Correction offender search database provides information about offenders currently under IDOC jurisdiction: those incarcerated, on probation or on parole. This includes a listing of felonies for which an offender is serving time.

How do you search out why someone is in Jail or Prison?
You can contact the Clerk of the Court to get the transcripts of the case and the sentencing where they were adjudicated or USE SEARCH FORM below

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Idaho Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Anthony Thomas Sommeling, 47
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony James Kuhlman, 26
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Orofino, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Icio
Anthony James Hall, 58
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony Wayne Conner, 64
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony Edward Franco, 49
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc South Idaho Correctional Institution Sici
Anthony Ruben Flores, 50
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony James Hall, 59
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Boise, ID
Idaho Department Of Corrections Id Doc
Anthony J Jr Robins, 36
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Orofino, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Icio
Anthonyshane Underwood, 49
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Boise, ID
Idaho Department Of Corrections Id Doc
Anthony James Nee, 35
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony Reed Dailey Schmidt, 29
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony Joseph Yancey, 44
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc South Idaho Correctional Institution Sici
Anthony Kyle Lopez
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Pocatello, ID
Bannock County Detention Center
Anthony James Penrod, 22
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho State Correctional Institution Isci
Anthony Roman Polisso, 32
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho State Correctional Institution Isci
Anthony Dean Homan, 42
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony Lane Wielkiewicz, 61
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho State Correctional Institution Isci
Anthony Shane Martinez, 25
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc South Idaho Correctional Institution Sici
Anthony Edward Ortega, 27
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho State Correctional Institution Isci
Anthony Wayne Shields, 30
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Cottonwood, ID
Id Doc North Idaho Correctional Institution Nici
Anthony Gene Norman, 33
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Orofino, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Icio
Anthony G Parsons, 27
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Orofino, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Icio
Anthony Craig Rentelman, 37
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Orofino, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Icio
Anthony Joshua Estrada
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Pocatello, ID
Bannock County Detention Center
Anthony Robert Mariani
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Pocatello, ID
Bannock County Detention Center
Anthony Julian Chastain, 23
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho State Correctional Institution Isci
Anthony A Kasparek, 58
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Orofino, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Icio
Anthony Warren Wellard, 50
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc South Idaho Correctional Institution Sici
Anthony Blake Viles, 32
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony Lyle Foster, 38
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St. Anthony, ID
Id Doc St Anthony Work Camp Sawc
Anthony Joseph Villa, 24
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Maximum Security Institution Imsi
Anthony John Jr Amore, 27
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Orofino, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Icio
Anton Clarke Merrill, 53
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Boise, ID
Idaho Department Of Corrections Id Doc
release date:August 25, 2019
Anthony Garen Shaw, 31
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Antonio Arcuri Jimenez, 28
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Boise, ID
Idaho Department Of Corrections Id Doc
release date:July 30, 2020
Anthony Maurice Gonzales, 21
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Maximum Security Institution Imsi
Anthony Robert Bonilla, 33
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony Keith Reyes, 35
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
Anthony John Boundy, 59
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho State Correctional Institution Isci
Anthony C Cornford, 34
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc South Idaho Correctional Institution Sici
Anthony Frank Dambra, 50
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Orofino, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino Icio
Anthony L Villanueva, 24
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Cottonwood, ID
Id Doc North Idaho Correctional Institution Nici
Anthony Lawrence Cavallero, 54
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho State Correctional Institution Isci
Anthony Carlos Moreno
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Pocatello, ID
Bannock County Detention Center
Anthony George Austin, 27
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Kuna, ID
Id Doc Idaho Correctional Center Icc Cca
1 2 3 4 ... 394

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Prisons Jails
Correctional Alternative Placement Program (CAPP)
Idaho State Correctional Center (ISCC)
Idaho Correctional Institution-Orofino (ICIO)
Idaho Maximum Security Institution (IMSI)
Idaho State Correctional Institution (ISCI)
North Idaho Correctional Institution (NICI)
South Boise Women’s Correctional Center (SBWCC)
South Idaho Correctional Institution (SICI)
Pocatello Women’s Correctional Center (PWCC)
St. Anthony Work Camp (SAWC)

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