Oregon Prison Inmate Search

Oregon Jail Inmate Search

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Oregon Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Christopher James Bartlett, 23
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:April 16, 2021
Christopher James Palmer, 36
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Warrenton, OR
Clatsop County Community Corrections
Christopher James Casey, 28
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Christopher J Baker, 36
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Christopher Hobbs, 34
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Christopher Jay Stephens, 40
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Christopher John Campbell, 35
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Christopher James Littles, 35
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Coquille, OR
Coos County Community Corrections
Christopher James Sweeney, 19
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Madras, OR
Jefferson County Or Adult Detention Center
Christopher James Davis, 41
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Christopher James Bond, 36
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Christopher Hawkins, 33
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Christopher Jay Wilson, 32
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Warrenton, OR
Clatsop County Community Corrections
Christopher J Hamilton, 56
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Christopher James Anderson, 37
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Christopher James Floyd, 32
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Christopher J Bentley, 51
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Christopher Jackson
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Sheridan, OR
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Sheridan
Christopher James Hart, 44
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Salem, OR
Or Doc Santiam Correctional Institution Sci
Christopher James Padilla
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Christopher Joel Miller, 52
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Christopher Hyde, 33
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:September 4, 2019
Christopher Horton, 45
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Christopher Hampton,
dob:December 16, 1981
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Springfield, OR
Springfield Municipal Jail Or
Christopher James Ward, 32
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Christopher Jay Sanchez, 42
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Christopher J Hart, 27
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Christopher Ivan Cole, 39
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:June 14, 2020
Christopher Hutinsenson
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Christopher Haight
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Inverness Jail
Christopher James Martin, 34
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Pendleton, OR
Umatilla County Community Corrections
Christopher James Atkinson, 32
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:May 7, 2022
Christopher Herrera, 30
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:July 5, 2022
Christopher Hill, 19
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:November 15, 2018
Christopher James Caldwell, 31
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Christopher Jaray Williams, 36
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Oregon City, OR
Clackamas County Or Jail
Christopher James Padilla, 27
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Oregon City, OR
Clackamas County Or Jail
Christopher James Watson, 47
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Christopher James Barlow, 38
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:July 3, 2026
Christopher John Carroll, 31
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Christopher Hill, 37
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Christopher John Armstrong, 50
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Klamath Falls, OR
Klamath County Community Corrections
Christopher Hunter, 45
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Christopher Jensen, 40
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Christopher Jay Snyder, 28
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:March 10, 2022
Christopher Jason Vaughan, 27
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Christopher Horton, 38
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Sheridan, OR
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Sheridan
release date:February 20, 2024
Christopher James Perry, 30
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Christopher James Watson, 50
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Christopher Herrera, 29
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Pendleton, OR
Umatilla County Correctional Facility
Christopher Jared York, 34
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:January 4, 2020
Christopher J Jones, 36
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Christopher Holloway, 50
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Lakeview, OR
Lake County Or Jail
Christopher James Kelly, 29
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Christopher J Sargent, 34
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Christopher Hancock, 38
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Christopher Hutinsenson
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Ontario, OR
Ontario Or Police Jail
Christopher J Reid, 44
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Christopher James Page, 29
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:February 21, 2020
Christopher James Perry, 34
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:January 21, 2019
Christopher Hampton,
dob:December 16, 1981
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Springfield, OR
Springfield Municipal Jail Or
Christopher James Harper, 37
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:October 29, 2018
Christopher James Smith, 38
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:January 15, 2019
Christopher John Foster, 50
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Christopher J Parkins, 31
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:October 22, 2018
Christopher Jerome Matthews, 34
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Christopher James Crawford, 35
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Christopher Jackson, 50
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Sheridan, OR
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Sheridan
release date:March 5, 2040
Christopher James Marsh, 36
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:March 13, 2021
Christopher James Real Pierce, 30
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Christopher Jaray Williams
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Christopher John Evans, 25
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Christopher Jack Robbins, 29
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Christopher Henry Espinoza, 27
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Christopher John Evans, 48
>>>More Information
Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:May 20, 2020
1 ... 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ... 598

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Disclaimer Notice: The Oregon Department of Corrections makes available the following offender information in its Oregon Offender Search (OOS) system as a service to the public. While the information is believed to be accurate, the Oregon Department of Corrections makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Further, the Department assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Information is updated by the Department periodically, and may change. As such, the information should not be used as an “official” record by any law enforcement agency or any other entity or person.

In order to obtain an official or certified copy of an offender record, please click on the link: Record Request

5 thoughts on “Oregon Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I’m not in prison Im 27 this information is wrong and when I search my name this comes up I want it taken down I’ve never been to prison and I don’t want potential employers seeing this


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