Oregon Prison Inmate Search

Oregon Jail Inmate Search

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Oregon Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Vernon Scott, 52
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vernon Bernard Patrick, 62
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:May 26, 2019
Vernon Dale Adams, 34
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Vernell Carter, 34
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Ventura J Vazquez, 57
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Vicente Flores Avila, 43
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Vernon Douglas Daugherty, 55
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:March 1, 2023
Vernon Danny Jackson, 55
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vernice Erica Scott, 46
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Veronica Marie Moore, 30
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Vicie Mae Ferguson, 50
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Veronica Marie Flores, 34
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Dallas, OR
Polk County Community Corrections
Vickie Ann Knight, 39
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Veronica Cruz, 20
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Vern Clark,
dob:June 23, 1983
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Albany, OR
Linn County Or Jail
Ventura Lopez Solis, 42
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:February 28, 2024
Vernon John Lucas, 42
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Canyon City, OR
Grant County Or Jail
Veronika Rai Lynn Hampton, 33
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Heppner, OR
Morrow County Jail
Veron Izaiah Green, 28
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Vernon Eugene Smith, 37
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Madras, OR
Jefferson County Or Adult Detention Center
Vernon Robert Griffin, 51
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Veronica Ayala Lopez, 46
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Vicente Valenzuela Ruiz, 50
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Vernon Lee Johnson, 38
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:July 2, 2020
Veronica Martinez, 34
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Dallas, OR
Polk County Community Corrections
Veronica Ayala Lopez, 45
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Veronica Juarez, 53
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vernon Eugene Nealy, 57
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Klamath Falls, OR
Klamath County Or Jail
Vernon E Curtis, 56
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vicente Ortiz Hernandez, 54
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vernon Ray Berry, 27
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Vernon Glen Dixon, 34
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Or Adult Jail
Vicente Barron Moreno, 43
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Vicente Lopez Sixto, 35
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Vicente Rodriguez Rodriguez, 57
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Veronica Lee Davis, 45
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Moro, OR
Sherman County Or Jail
Vicente Flores Dejesus, 31
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Vicente Lopez Hernandez, 50
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vern Sonny Heath, 30
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vernell Franklin, 66
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Vern Patrick Clark, 60
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vernon R Herring, 71
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Vera Rose Smith, 35
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:May 29, 2019
Veronica Espinoza, 24
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Vernon Lee Lambert, 54
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Vicente C Torres, 47
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Ontario, OR
Malheur County Community Corrections
Vesther Jj Brown
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Vera Rose Smith
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Venustio Contreras Gonzales, 55
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Verda Renard Roberts, 28
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Vickie Denise Turner, 59
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vera Beth Hughes, 28
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Veronica Avila Diaz, 33
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Corvallis, OR
Benton County Community Corrections
Veronica Marjorie Ivey, 39
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Klamath Falls, OR
Klamath County Or Jail
Vera Mae Walker, 28
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Veronica Cuellaruriza
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Fairview, OR
Fairview Or Police Jail
Ventura Lopez Solorio, 49
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Ventura Lopez, 37
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Vernetta Kay Williams, 51
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Veronica Shelton, 54
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vicki Lynn Hamilton, 54
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Verna Jo Hensley, 54
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Veronica Araceli Espinoza, 24
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Vicente Hernandez, 45
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Vernon Ray Wilson, 54
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Albany, OR
Linn County Community Corrections
Vernon Marcell Williams
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Vicente Silvabautista
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Vernon Allen Bowman, 60
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Vernon Eugene Palmer, 32
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Roseburg, OR
Douglas County Adult Parole And Probation
Vernon Clarke Adams, 42
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Pendleton, OR
Umatilla County Community Corrections
Vicente Martinez, 21
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Ontario, OR
Malheur County Community Corrections
Vernon Louis Woodall, 58
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:June 9, 2039
Vicente Robles Ortiz, 34
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Prineville, OR
Crook County Or Jail
Vernon Glenn Franks, 64
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Verelyn Deneen Montoya, 62
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Albany, OR
Linn County Community Corrections
1 ... 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 ... 598

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Disclaimer Notice: The Oregon Department of Corrections makes available the following offender information in its Oregon Offender Search (OOS) system as a service to the public. While the information is believed to be accurate, the Oregon Department of Corrections makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Further, the Department assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Information is updated by the Department periodically, and may change. As such, the information should not be used as an “official” record by any law enforcement agency or any other entity or person.

In order to obtain an official or certified copy of an offender record, please click on the link: Record Request

5 thoughts on “Oregon Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I’m not in prison Im 27 this information is wrong and when I search my name this comes up I want it taken down I’ve never been to prison and I don’t want potential employers seeing this


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