Oregon Prison Inmate Search

Oregon Jail Inmate Search

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Oregon Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Valerie Valine Vargas,
dob:January 7, 1984
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Inmate Valerie Valine Vargas
Valerie Lorraine Lawson
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Vanessa Renae Johnson, 34
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Coquille, OR
Coos County Community Corrections
Valerie Sue Jackson
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Or Jail
Vanessa Patrice Davis, 27
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:February 28, 2019
Vanessa Anne Aguirre, 34
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Vencen Emerald Page, 30
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:March 30, 2026
Vanessa Joneice Lamb, 44
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Veldon Leroy Green, 38
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:September 10, 2019
Veneda Kaye Kerr, 54
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Oregon City, OR
Clackamas County Or Jail
Valerie Marie Dennis, 27
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Oregon City, OR
Clackamas County Or Jail
Vanessa Evelyn Morris, 27
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:December 4, 2025
Veasna Chan, 35
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Vance Jay Roberts, 64
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:May 11, 2069
Vanessa Navarro Barrios, 25
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Valerie Nicole Cox, 35
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Dallas, OR
Polk County Or Jail
Ventura B Jimenez, 50
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Vanessa Rebecca Hopkins, 20
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:May 26, 2019
Valerie Lourae Greenfield, 55
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Vanessa Lyn Peterson
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Valerie Martinez, 34
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Vega Gabino Hernandez, 41
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Valentine Pedro Santiago Ruiz, 66
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Valerie Valine Vargas, 34
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Grants Pass, OR
Josephine Co Community Corrections Office
Vance Tyler Wright, 26
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Pendleton, OR
Umatilla County Community Corrections
Vanessa Monteen Ranae Ellis, 29
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Roseburg, OR
Douglas County Adult Parole And Probation
Valorie Lynn Merritt, 35
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Tillamook, OR
Tillamook Or Police Jail
Velma Kaye Foster, 43
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vance Everett Cobb, 39
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Vanessa Marie Williams, 35
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Valerie Lorraine Lawson, 35
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Oregon City, OR
Clackamas County Or Jail
Vana L Davenport, 63
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vanessa Lynn Dillon, 34
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Vanessa Marie Buck, 46
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Velti K Pruitt, 51
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Vanessa Silva, 35
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Valerie Beach, 60
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Vance Alan Harrell, 26
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Van Earl Mcgee, 59
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Van Jerome Potts, 40
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Albany, OR
Linn County Community Corrections
Vance Alan Harrell
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Valentin Verdin Hernandez, 39
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Ontario, OR
Malheur County Community Corrections
Veda Marie Lee, 41
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:October 1, 2021
Vance J Cook, 57
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Warrenton, OR
Clatsop County Community Corrections
Van Sanchez Martinez, 44
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Valorie K Carrigan, 41
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Corvallis, OR
Benton County Community Corrections
Vanessa A Gonzalez, 24
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Valerie Nelson, 32
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vallerie M Michael Tattoed, 26
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Valerie Nadine Buckles, 24
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The Dalles, OR
Wasco County Adult Corrections Facility Norcor
Vanessa Lee Glenn, 37
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vasquez Felipe Trujillo, 34
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Warrenton, OR
Clatsop County Community Corrections
Vanessa Suarez Orozco, 37
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Vanissa Maria George, 35
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Coquille, OR
Coos County Community Corrections
Valora Rivera
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Or Jail
Valentino Martinez Ortiz, 38
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vanessa Garcia Beiza, 24
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Valerie Jean Taylor, 51
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Coquille, OR
Coos County Community Corrections
Veda Lynn Martinez, 36
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McMinnville, OR
Yamhill County Community Corrections
Vaughn Nelson, 68
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:July 12, 2019
Vanessa Ione Heath, 50
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Vanessa Gonzalez, 24
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Valerie Sue Jackson, 33
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vanessa Marie Lewis, 33
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Grants Pass, OR
Josephine Co Community Corrections Office
Valentino Molina, 48
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Vanessa Hughes, 44
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Vance Lee Moody, 49
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Klamath Falls, OR
Klamath County Community Corrections
Vanessa Hyde, 33
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Vanessa Marie Sparks, 31
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Vanessa Kay King, 57
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Valora Rivera Waddle, 48
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Vanessa Jeanette Zamora, 34
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St. Helens, OR
Columbia County Community Corrections
Valerie Nicole Cox, 35
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Dallas, OR
Polk County Community Corrections
Valerie Jean Miller, 63
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North Bend, OR
Coos County Or Sheriffs Jail
Valentino Molina, 48
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
1 ... 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 ... 598

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Disclaimer Notice: The Oregon Department of Corrections makes available the following offender information in its Oregon Offender Search (OOS) system as a service to the public. While the information is believed to be accurate, the Oregon Department of Corrections makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Further, the Department assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Information is updated by the Department periodically, and may change. As such, the information should not be used as an “official” record by any law enforcement agency or any other entity or person.

In order to obtain an official or certified copy of an offender record, please click on the link: Record Request

5 thoughts on “Oregon Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I’m not in prison Im 27 this information is wrong and when I search my name this comes up I want it taken down I’ve never been to prison and I don’t want potential employers seeing this


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