Oregon Prison Inmate Search

Oregon Jail Inmate Search

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Oregon Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Celia Lopez Melendez, 69
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Cecilia Joy Rowland Circo, 27
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Pendleton, OR
Umatilla County Community Corrections
Cesar Alfonso Rios, 31
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Celestino Lopez
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Sheridan, OR
Fci Sheridan Satellite Prison Camp
Cecil Ramos, 60
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Cesar Aguilar Contreras, 41
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Cecil Walter Rogers, 25
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Celena Lea Christensen, 35
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Celerino Carrasco, 46
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Cerita Faye Griffin, 52
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Cesar Camacho Cabrera, 38
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Cesar Adrian Munoz Rodriguez, 40
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Celeen Valan Nelson, 21
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Cedric Charles Hamilton
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Celestion Charlie Ortega, 32
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Celeste Marie Meyer, 45
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Celeste Kathleen Patton, 41
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Cedric Alexander, 40
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Ceria Sanchezmorales, 63
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Celeste Danielle Horne, 37
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Celestion Charlie Ortega, 66
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Dallas, OR
Polk County Community Corrections
Celeste M Goodall, 62
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Oregon City, OR
Clackamas County Or Jail
Cecil Ray Noble, 71
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:June 10, 2023
Celerino Lopez Rivera, 47
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Cedrick Marquis Mayfield, 29
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Cenedra Leelynn Vance
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Burns, OR
Eastern Oregon Youth Correctional
Cedric Akai Booker, 26
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Cecilia M Gomez, 19
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The Dalles, OR
Wasco County Adult Corrections Facility Norcor
Cedric Dashun Hunt, 41
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Cere Shay Franks, 20
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Burns, OR
Eastern Oregon Youth Correctional
Celeste Donna Lee, 26
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Canyon City, OR
Grant County Or Jail
Celestino Hernandez Pichardo, 26
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Cedric Dionne Jones, 37
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Celso Vasquez Vasquez, 34
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Celina Catherine Cooley, 23
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Celia Lynn Nash, 51
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:September 15, 2019
Cerise Lisette Mendoza Corza, 30
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Ceferino Santos, 23
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:April 19, 2019
Cesar A Hernandez, 30
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Wapato Facility
Cecilia Garcia Serrano, 50
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Vale, OR
Malheur County Or Correctional Facility
Celio C Reyes Zarate, 37
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Cedric Charles Hamilton, 25
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Celestino Cruz Margarita, 56
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Celso Soto Garcia, 52
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Cesar Aguirre Lopez, 39
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Cee Jay Samuel Jones, 26
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Ontario, OR
Malheur County Community Corrections
Cervantes Garcia Sergio
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Springfield, OR
Springfield Municipal Jail Or
Cecilia Lynn Roys, 47
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Cecil Lewis Norton, 70
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Celestino Espinoza Garcia, 37
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Celine Warren
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Inverness Jail
Cedric Damon Pope, 39
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Ceferino Santos, 23
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Cesar Banuelos Munoz, 35
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:May 14, 2029
Cecil Schrader
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Cecilia Lizzet Moreno, 17
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Burns, OR
Eastern Oregon Youth Correctional
Cedric Alexander Jones, 31
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Cecilia Moreno
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Albany, OR
Oak Creek Youth Correctional Facility
Cedric Lamont Houston, 36
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Cedric Washington, 43
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:July 27, 2020
Cesar Barrera, 44
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Klamath Falls, OR
Klamath County Community Corrections
Cesar Antonio Solis, 22
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Cervando Sandoval Garcia, 39
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Celeste Elizabeth Bush, 36
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Oregon City, OR
Clackamas County Or Jail
Cecil Marcus Ryan, 34
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Cedrell L Washington, 25
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:August 15, 2019
Cersensiano Gonzalez, 42
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:August 15, 2026
Celso Avila Nava, 37
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Salem, OR
Or Doc Oregon State Correctional Institution Osci
Cecilio Reyes Hernandez, 40
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Celeste Bush
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Cenovio Hernandez, 45
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Madras, OR
Jefferson County Or Adult Detention Center
Celena Faith Williams, 41
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Prineville, OR
Crook County Or Jail
Celina Louise Chavez, 31
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Dallas, OR
Polk County Community Corrections
Cergio Castillo Mateos, 47
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Cerena Barros, 28
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St. Helens, OR
Columbia County Community Corrections
1 ... 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ... 598

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Disclaimer Notice: The Oregon Department of Corrections makes available the following offender information in its Oregon Offender Search (OOS) system as a service to the public. While the information is believed to be accurate, the Oregon Department of Corrections makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Further, the Department assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Information is updated by the Department periodically, and may change. As such, the information should not be used as an “official” record by any law enforcement agency or any other entity or person.

In order to obtain an official or certified copy of an offender record, please click on the link: Record Request

5 thoughts on “Oregon Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I’m not in prison Im 27 this information is wrong and when I search my name this comes up I want it taken down I’ve never been to prison and I don’t want potential employers seeing this


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