Oregon Prison Inmate Search

Oregon Jail Inmate Search

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Oregon Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Brianna Lynn Young, 37
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Brion Lee Mason, 30
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Salem, OR
Marion County Or Correctional Facility
Brianna Marie Jones, 24
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Brian William Price, 43
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Brianna Williams, 21
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Briana Leshai Mitchell, 23
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Brianne Lee Morgan, 28
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Briana Hope Collins, 19
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Burns, OR
Eastern Oregon Youth Correctional
Brianna Kay Black, 19
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Enterprise, OR
Wallowa County Community Corrections
Brianna Marie Boyd
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Brittani Marie Miller, 31
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Brianna Kelly Stewart, 25
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Britny Leann Davis, 32
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Briana Lacey Graves, 31
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Brian William York, 54
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Brianna Warrick,
dob:January 5, 1999
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Grants Pass, OR
Josephine County Jail
Brittani Kristine Potter, 31
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Brice Swanson, 17
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Burns, OR
Eastern Oregon Youth Correctional
Brianna Alexis Miller, 27
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Brice Allen Barton, 29
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Brian Wood, 41
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Brian William Case, 36
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Brian William Mcconnell, 39
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Brittanie Pearl Johnson, 27
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Dallas, OR
Polk County Community Corrections
Brie Ann Summers, 36
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Brice Michelle Wright, 20
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Brianna Marie Boyd, 21
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Britney Nicole Olson
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Or Jail
Brittain James Mcauliffe, 19
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Klamath Falls, OR
Klamath County Or Jail
Brian William Scott, 26
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Warrenton, OR
Clatsop County Community Corrections
Brice Carr Hardin, 30
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Grants Pass, OR
Josephine Co Community Corrections Office
Brienne Sullivan, 35
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Bricia Esmeralda Ochoa Lopez, 31
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:August 26, 2021
Brittaney Dawn Woodfork, 24
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Briana Heath, 23
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Madras, OR
Jefferson County Or Adult Detention Center
Brianna Rae Franklin, 28
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Albany, OR
Linn County Community Corrections
Brianna Carole Huntley, 24
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Coquille, OR
Coos County Community Corrections
Bridgette Lee Munoz
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Court Holding Facility
Britney Ann Thompson, 29
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Brien Edward Carr, 58
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Warrenton, OR
Clatsop County Community Corrections
Brieanna Kay Jacobson Elwess, 37
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McMinnville, OR
Yamhill County Community Corrections
Brian Williams, 60
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Briar Lynn Stone, 38
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Ontario, OR
Malheur County Community Corrections
Britt Lynne Rutledge, 53
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Roseburg, OR
Douglas County Adult Parole And Probation
Brianna Jean Goodell, 32
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Brighton William Hall, 29
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Briana Austin Garcia, 24
>>>More Information
Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Brittaney Anne Stewart, 29
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Brittaney Faye Britt, 25
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Britney Nicole Olson, 27
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Bridgett Alexandra Smith, 37
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Warrenton, OR
Clatsop County Community Corrections
Briana Glover, 27
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Brianna B Simone, 23
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Brian William May, 34
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Or Jail
Brian Wilson
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Albany, OR
Linn County Or Jail
Brittany A Robinson, 28
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Oregon City, OR
Clackamas County Or Jail
Brian William Lindsay, 38
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:December 3, 2019
Bridget Yvonne Smith Nash, 47
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Bend, OR
Deschutes County Adult Parole And Probation
Brianna Marie Thompson, 23
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Milwaukie, OR
Clackamas County Community Corrections Center
Britt James Rodgers, 32
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Dallas, OR
Polk County Or Jail
Brianne Monique Bridges, 41
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Eugene, OR
Lane County Community Corrections Center Ccc Residential Re Entry Center Rrc
Brian Wilson, 37
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Briann Danielle Leigh Lancaster, 33
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Pendleton, OR
Umatilla County Community Corrections
Brianna King, 25
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
release date:February 14, 2019
Brianna Lynette Garcia, 26
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Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
Bridgett Munoz, 47
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Portland, OR
Multnomah County Detention Center
Brienna Milia Jean Wolf, 26
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Newport, OR
Lincoln County Parole Probation
Britain Graham, 27
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Portland, OR
Multnomah Community Corrections West District
Brice Hilton Rogers, 18
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Burns, OR
Eastern Oregon Youth Correctional
Brittani Marshall, 29
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Pendleton, OR
Umatilla County Correctional Facility
Britnee Nikol Case, 27
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Roseburg, OR
Douglas County Adult Parole And Probation
Britney Ann Thompson, 29
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Medford, OR
Jackson County Or Jail
Brice Theodore Thomas, 23
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Hillsboro, OR
Washington County Community Corrections
Brian Zamorano, 24
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Salem, OR
Marion County Adult Parole And Probation
Brian William Rogers, 32
>>>More Information
Salem, OR
Oregon Department Of Corrections Or Doc
1 ... 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ... 598

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Disclaimer Notice: The Oregon Department of Corrections makes available the following offender information in its Oregon Offender Search (OOS) system as a service to the public. While the information is believed to be accurate, the Oregon Department of Corrections makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Further, the Department assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Information is updated by the Department periodically, and may change. As such, the information should not be used as an “official” record by any law enforcement agency or any other entity or person.

In order to obtain an official or certified copy of an offender record, please click on the link: Record Request

5 thoughts on “Oregon Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I’m not in prison Im 27 this information is wrong and when I search my name this comes up I want it taken down I’ve never been to prison and I don’t want potential employers seeing this


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