ᐅ Tennessee Prison Inmate Search

Tennessee Jail Inmate Search

Tennessee Jail Inmate SearchLocate Federal Jail Inmate Reports on each Jail Inmate throughout Tennessee. Immediate access to detailed reports on each jail inmate.
TN Jail inmate license records in addition to many other vital records. The information available in this application pertains to Tennessee felony offenders who are or who have been in the custody of the Tennessee Department of Correction. The information is submitted by various jurisdictions within Tennessee. Felony Offender Information
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ᐅ Tennessee Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Ashley Ann Hale, 22
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Benton, TN
Polk County Tn Jail
Ashby Lee
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Ashleigh Danielle Anderson, 30
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Decatur, TN
Meigs County Tn Jail
Ashby Adam
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Erwin, TN
Unicoi County Tn Jail
Ashlee Wade, 29
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Arvester Brown, 33
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Arturo V Robles Larios,
dob:February 12, 1981
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Mason, TN
West Tennessee Detention Facility Corecivic
Ashley Anderson, 38
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
Ashley Altman
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Johnson City, TN
Johnson City Detention Center
Ashlee Michelle Rose, 33
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Arthur Ray Harmon, 55
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
Ashlee Branch, 26
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Blountville, TN
Sullivan County Tn Jail
Arthur James Jones, 47
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Arthur Lee Hunt, 52
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Jackson, TN
Madison County Tn Jail Annex
Artiaga Marie
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Arwood Wayne
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
Arturo Luis Garcia, 40
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Cookeville, TN
Putnam County Tn Jail
Arthur Riley
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Ashey Mcintosh
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Morristown, TN
Hamblen County Tn Jail
Ashia Nelson
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Union City, TN
Obion County Tn Jail
Arthur Mckinney, 29
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
Asben K Chapman, 18
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Arthur Dean Hunt, 41
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Ashley A Campbell, 31
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Arthur Fenderson
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Mason, TN
West Tennessee Detention Facility Corecivic
Arwood Ann
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
Arthur Donahue,
dob:March 25, 1990
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Arwood Dominique
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Arvin Bolden
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Pikeville, TN
Bledsoe County Tn Jail
Arthur Miller, 35
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Manchester, TN
Coffee County Tn Jail
Arthur Hand
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Carthage, TN
Smith County Tn Jail
Arthur Ulon Smith, 28
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Athens, TN
Mcminn County Tn Jail
Asante Devon Harris, 26
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Clinton, TN
Anderson County Tn Detention Facility
Arwood Michelle
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Blountville, TN
Sullivan County Tn Jail
Arturo Luis Garcia, 40
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Cookeville, TN
Putnam County Tn Jail
Artrip Allbritan
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Springfield, TN
Robertson County Tn Detention Facility
Arturo Santiago, 39
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Ashby Mary
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Ashford Doreen
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Smithville, TN
Dekalb County Tn Jail
Ashbrook Harold
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Kingston, TN
Roane County Tn Jail
Asha Mireka Allen, 23
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Ashby Renee
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Artis Spencer
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Clarksville, TN
Montgomery County Tn Jail
Asay Nathaniel
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Springfield, TN
Robertson County Tn Detention Facility
Ashlee Sue Townsend Branch, 26
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Elizabethton, TN
Carter County Tn Detention Center
Arwood Alexandria
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Morristown, TN
Hamblen County Tn Jail
Arvil Dale Shirley
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Dunlap, TN
Sequatchie County Tn Justice Center
Arthur Whittaker Robinson, 41
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Arville Pittman
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Erwin, TN
Unicoi County Tn Jail
Asa Mccardell
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Woodbury, TN
Cannon County Tn Jail
Arthur Gene Hatfield, 55
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Huntsville, TN
Scott County Tn Jail
Arthur Franklin Burt, 34
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Arturo Calderon Garcia, 37
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Jackson, TN
Madison County Tn Jail Annex
Arthur Henry Payne, 49
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Newport, TN
Cocke County Jail
Ashley A Jones, 26
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Paris, TN
Henry County Tn Corrections Facility
Arthur Lee Adams, 46
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Asa Mckenzie Davis, 25
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Arthur Dillonsmith, 23
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Arthur E Jones, 52
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Asah Dondrae Valentine, 33
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Bolivar, TN
Hardeman County Tn Jail
Artwann Lemont Mack, 29
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Ashandre M Stewart, 21
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Arthur Lee Harris, 35
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Clarksville, TN
Montgomery County Tn Jail
Arthur Elizabeth
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Blountville, TN
Sullivan County Tn Jail
Aseret Jim
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Asante Harris,
dob:September 20, 1991
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Pikeville, TN
Bledsoe County Tn Jail
Arthur Lee Finch, 55
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Dyersburg, TN
Dyer County Tn Jail
Ashley Anderson,
dob:May 2, 1984
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Sparta, TN
White County Tn Jail
Arthur Davis Hicks, 33
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Cleveland, TN
Bradley County Tn Justice Complex
Artrip Ann
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Springfield, TN
Robertson County Tn Detention Facility
Arthur P Richardson, 63
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Arvel J Terry, 28
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Arthur L Porter, 56
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Arturo Rosealas
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
Arwood William
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Morristown, TN
Hamblen County Tn Jail
Arthur Wesley Campbell, 32
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Huntingdon, TN
Carroll County Tn Jail
Asa Clements
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Waverly, TN
Humphreys County Tn Jail
Arthur Thomas Mccray, 53
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Morristown, TN
Hamblen County Tn Jail
Arthur Leroy Thompson, 40
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:August 4, 2019
Arthur James Dennis, 23
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Bolivar, TN
Hardeman County Tn Jail
Aryana Laurabryant, 27
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Arthur Lee Bender, 43
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Jackson, TN
Madison County Tn Jail Annex
Ashlee Amberlyn Horton, 28
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Arthur Nmn Davis, 77
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Covington, TN
Tipton County Tn Jail
Arzell Harmon
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Henning, TN
Tn Doc West Tennessee State Penitentiary Wtsp
Arzell Harmon, 46
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Nashville, TN
Residential Reentry Management Rrm Nashville
Arthur Edward Davidson, 46
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Dandridge, TN
Jefferson County Tn Detention Facility
Arthur Thomas Smith, 43
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Cookeville, TN
Putnam County Tn Jail
Asencio Perez Ulises
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
Arthur Lee Wilson, 52
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Clinton, TN
Anderson County Tn Detention Facility
Ashlee Ann Wagner, 34
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Benton, TN
Polk County Tn Jail
Ashburn Corwin
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Pikeville, TN
Bledsoe County Tn Jail
Arthur William Mcmillan, 25
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Arwood Ellen
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Artvius Gray, 22
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Ashby Ray
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Ashlee Nicole Compton, 28
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Dover, TN
Stewart County Tn Jail
Arturo Vazquez, 19
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Asasph Lee Newton, 29
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Ashia Nelson
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Union City, TN
Obion County Tn Jail
1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 513

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4 thoughts on “ᐅ Tennessee Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Daniel Scott Johnson is a piece of crud!! He needs to be locked up and never see the light of day again!! Junkie and trailer trash are the two words that best describe him. His mammy did a banged up job!!!


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