ᐅ Tennessee Prison Inmate Search

Tennessee Jail Inmate Search

Tennessee Jail Inmate SearchLocate Federal Jail Inmate Reports on each Jail Inmate throughout Tennessee. Immediate access to detailed reports on each jail inmate.
TN Jail inmate license records in addition to many other vital records. The information available in this application pertains to Tennessee felony offenders who are or who have been in the custody of the Tennessee Department of Correction. The information is submitted by various jurisdictions within Tennessee. Felony Offender Information
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ᐅ Tennessee Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Zachery Ralph Kohlhofer, 29
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Pulaski, TN
Giles County Tn Jail
Inmate Zachery Ralph Kohlhofer
Zane Gray, 27
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Zuniga Nm
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Manchester, TN
Coffee County Tn Jail
Zierlein Duane
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Manchester, TN
Coffee County Tn Jail
Zoe Alexander, 36
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Zodrich Martez Cunningham, 41
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zachery Thomasson
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Camden, TN
Benton County Tn Jail
Zulma Cordova Jimenez, 34
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Zunda Charles
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Morristown, TN
Hamblen County Tn Jail
Zack Taylor Ward, 28
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Lafayette, TN
Macon County Tn Jail
Zachery Tyler Russell, 20
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Lenoir City, TN
Loudon County Tn Jail
Zane Henderson Bowen, 20
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Franklin, TN
Williamson County Tn Jail
Zeb Monroe Shelton, 50
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Benton, TN
Polk County Tn Jail
Zedric Owens, 41
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zackary Wright
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Covington, TN
Tipton County Tn Jail
Zefrin Leigh Parker, 29
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Lenoir City, TN
Loudon County Tn Jail
Zackary Pearson Mullins, 20
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Clinton, TN
Anderson County Tn Detention Facility
Zachery Leewilder Phillips, 18
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Wartburg, TN
Morgan County Tn Jail
Zavier Austin Blair, 23
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Dayton, TN
Rhea County Tn Jail
Zeta Laritha Davis, 35
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
Zarious Brashawn Brown, 25
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Fayetteville, TN
Lincoln County Tn Jail
Zakary King, 28
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Zackary Ponder
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Only, TN
Tn Doc Turney Center Industrial Complex Tcix
Zackery Dewayne Nelson, 18
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zhakeus Kejuaan Murphy, 23
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Zahnaee P Chaney, 21
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Zackary Keith Burgess, 26
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
Zakery Austin Mays, 19
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Lebanon, TN
Wilson County Tn Jail
Zachery Thomasson
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Camden, TN
Benton County Tn Jail
Zhakeus Murphy
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Correctional Development Center Male
Zeigler Oneil
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
Zickefoose Martin
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Maryville, TN
Blount County Tn Detention Facility
Zelvin Delvar Clark, 36
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Franklin, TN
Williamson County Tn Jail
Zehner Wayne
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Maryville, TN
Blount County Tn Detention Facility
Zsardin B Thomas, 24
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zackary Chase Willis, 22
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Zaddaus C Smith, 31
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zackery Wayne Lewis, 27
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
Zollie Rashaad Johnson, 27
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Jackson, TN
Madison County Tn Jail Annex
Zastudil Richard
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Elizabethton, TN
Carter County Tn Detention Center
Zackery Terry Osborne, 26
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Lawrenceburg, TN
Lawrence County Tn Correctional Facility
Zackaree Howard, 24
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Zackary Ponder
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Only, TN
Tn Doc Turney Center Industrial Complex Tcix
Zackery Kieth Webber, 20
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
Zina Sue Edwards, 38
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Trenton, TN
Gibson County Tn Jail
Zamudio Sierra
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Brownsville, TN
Haywood County Tn Jail
Zedequis Shiheem Hardy, 24
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Bolivar, TN
Hardeman County Tn Jail
Zaquan Derek Morris, 24
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
Zackary Kenneth York, 24
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
Zane Stone, 22
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Zumstein Andrew
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Charlotte, TN
Dickson County Tn Jail
Zonna Yvonne Johnson, 54
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Zedekiah Sykes, 50
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:September 5, 2019
Zebulun Michael Mcbride, 26
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Lebanon, TN
Wilson County Tn Jail
Zachery Thomasson,
dob:April 22, 1991
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Benton, TN
Polk County Tn Jail
Zdonowicz Chase
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Zeknovia Charles, 41
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Zackary Slade Potts, 26
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
Zuzick Daniel
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Manchester, TN
Coffee County Tn Jail
Zackary Tarver Morris, 25
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
Zackery Ryan Carter Jones, 20
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Manchester, TN
Coffee County Tn Jail
Zahn Lynn
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Manchester, TN
Coffee County Tn Jail
Zaviaus Miller, 30
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zeiler Jordan
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Springfield, TN
Robertson County Tn Detention Facility
Zeigler Ann
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
Zachery Russell,
dob:March 9, 1992
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Cleveland, TN
Bradley County Tn Justice Complex
Zachery Ryan Wymer Grant, 26
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Cleveland, TN
Bradley County Tn Justice Complex
Zackevious Tevin Payne, 22
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Trenton, TN
Gibson County Tn Jail
Zhanique Nicole Hunter, 36
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
Zachery Russell
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Cleveland, TN
Bradley County Tn Justice Complex
Zaldana Palomo Manuel
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Zaricor Marie
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Brownsville, TN
Haywood County Tn Jail
Zeb Carter, 34
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Alamo, TN
Crockett County Tn Jail
Zeb Dennis Long, 39
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
Zikimo Jones, 40
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
Zachrey Miles Jackson, 31
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Charlotte, TN
Dickson County Tn Jail
Zackery Andrew Armstrong, 25
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Zacheus M Britt, 23
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Zackary Brown, 21
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Zinno Faith
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Rogersville, TN
Hawkins County Tn Jail
Zantonio Larobert Williams, 30
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Zastudil Louise
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Zackery Dale Turner, 30
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McMinnville, TN
Warren County Tn Jail
Zack Scott
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Hartsville, TN
Trousdale County Tn Jail
Zebulun Edwards, 28
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:November 13, 2024
Ziberia Marico Carero, 38
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Zsizseri Lynn
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
Zelenka George
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Franklin, TN
Williamson County Tn Jail
Zamion Patrick Trem Bailey, 19
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zander Jose Johnson, 33
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:February 28, 2019
Zendrick Little, 38
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zephram James Day, 19
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Kingston, TN
Roane County Tn Jail
Zebulun Edwards
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Mason, TN
West Tennessee Detention Facility Corecivic
Zodia Rozelle Page, 56
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Brownsville, TN
Haywood County Tn Jail
Zackery Lewis,
dob:July 9, 1996
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Chattanooga, TN
Silverdale Detention Center Corecivic
Zachery Owen Cobb, 35
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Tazewell, TN
Claiborne County Tn Jail
Zachery Smith, 31
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
Zakar Davis, 20
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zachery W Greer, 26
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Cleveland, TN
Bradley County Tn Justice Complex
Zyearius Cox, 20
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
1 ... 509 510 511 512 513

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4 thoughts on “ᐅ Tennessee Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Daniel Scott Johnson is a piece of crud!! He needs to be locked up and never see the light of day again!! Junkie and trailer trash are the two words that best describe him. His mammy did a banged up job!!!


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