ᐅ Tennessee Prison Inmate Search

Tennessee Jail Inmate Search

Tennessee Jail Inmate SearchLocate Federal Jail Inmate Reports on each Jail Inmate throughout Tennessee. Immediate access to detailed reports on each jail inmate.
TN Jail inmate license records in addition to many other vital records. The information available in this application pertains to Tennessee felony offenders who are or who have been in the custody of the Tennessee Department of Correction. The information is submitted by various jurisdictions within Tennessee. Felony Offender Information
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ᐅ Tennessee Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Zachariah Collison,
dob:August 23, 1988
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Waverly, TN
Humphreys County Tn Jail
Zachary Branham
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Kingston, TN
Roane County Tn Jail
Inmate Zachary Branham
Young Zuriel
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Lawrenceburg, TN
Lawrence County Tn Correctional Facility
Yocom Dean
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Lawrenceburg, TN
Lawrence County Tn Correctional Facility
Yummuse Hendrix, 41
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Young Nicole
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Altamont, TN
Grundy County Tn Jail
Zachariah Drakos
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Pikeville, TN
Bledsoe County Tn Jail
Zachariah Lee Cooper, 20
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Yearta Michael
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Lebanon, TN
Wilson County Tn Jail
Yelton Alan
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Erwin, TN
Unicoi County Tn Jail
Yolanda Rhoades, 36
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
Yearwood Rene
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Madisonville, TN
Monroe County Tn Jail
Zabala Genaro
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Morristown, TN
Hamblen County Tn Jail
Yount Lynn
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Morristown, TN
Hamblen County Tn Jail
Zacarias Ramirez
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Shelbyville, TN
Bedford County Tn Jail
Young Tahazeah
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Clarksville, TN
Montgomery County Tn Jail
Zaccheaus Devon Chambers, 28
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Young Leann
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Madisonville, TN
Monroe County Tn Jail
Young Solanza
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Brownsville, TN
Haywood County Tn Jail
York Raymond
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Clinton, TN
Anderson County Tn Detention Facility
Young Marie
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Maryville, TN
Blount County Tn Detention Facility
Zachariah Lee Brown, 25
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Clarksville, TN
Montgomery County Tn Jail
Young Mcauther
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Clinton, TN
Anderson County Tn Detention Facility
Zacarias Salas Rufino
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Yulonda Estalee Sanders, 38
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Linden, TN
Perry County Tn Jail
Zachary A Thomas, 29
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Young Allen
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Clinton, TN
Anderson County Tn Detention Facility
Yolanda Angelica Calderon Hernandez, 33
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Shelbyville, TN
Bedford County Tn Jail
Young Floyd
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Dunlap, TN
Sequatchie County Tn Justice Center
Young Kristopher
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Zacarius Walker, 26
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Young Ray
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
York Nicole
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Springfield, TN
Robertson County Tn Detention Facility
Young Tolbert
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Woodbury, TN
Cannon County Tn Jail
York Charles
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Manchester, TN
Coffee County Tn Jail
Yennior William
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Pikeville, TN
Bledsoe County Tn Jail
Yvonne Slatton
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Lenoir City, TN
Loudon County Tn Jail
Zachary Adams
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Franklin, TN
Williamson County Tn Jail
York Alan
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Somerville, TN
Fayette County Tn Jail
Young Lawerence
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
Youther Mariea
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Dunlap, TN
Sequatchie County Tn Justice Center
York La Sha
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Lebanon, TN
Wilson County Tn Jail
Young Lee
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Manchester, TN
Coffee County Tn Jail
Yolanda Williams, 26
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Springfield, TN
Robertson County Tn Detention Facility
Yontz Renee
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Young Edward
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
Zachary Allen Lewis, 23
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Crossville, TN
Cumberland County Tn Jail
Yoandy Rivera Santana
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Yuamika Roschele Richardson, 40
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Young Marie
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Rogersville, TN
Hawkins County Tn Jail
Yorlin Amalex Alvarez Castillo, 26
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Clinton, TN
Anderson County Tn Detention Facility
Young Anthony Ii
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Yovana Espinoza Hernandez, 23
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Yovanni Mendez, 23
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
York Eugene
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
York Dawn
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Yolanda Nealy, 63
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Zachary Atchley
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Lebanon, TN
Wilson County Tn Workhouse
Yonathan Amaro Carrisoza, 20
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Yvette Davis Simpson, 44
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
Zachary A Mays, 19
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Young Jerome
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Tiptonville, TN
Lake County Tn Jail
Zach Wade Smith, 27
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Dover, TN
Stewart County Tn Jail
Yoany Diaz Abella
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Young Lynn
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
Yukelia Brown
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Young Bikel
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Lawrenceburg, TN
Lawrence County Tn Correctional Facility
Young Frances
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Morristown, TN
Hamblen County Tn Jail
Zachary Blake Powell, 25
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
Yolanda Shamill Williams, 33
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zacchaeus Taylor, 25
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:June 21, 2021
Yolanda Evans, 47
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Young Lee
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Covington, TN
Tipton County Tn Jail
Young Terry
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Madisonville, TN
Monroe County Tn Jail
Yusuf Irlandi
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Clinton, TN
Anderson County Tn Detention Facility
Yerandy Susen Cordero
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Zach Edwards, 22
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Waverly, TN
Humphreys County Tn Jail
Young Gail
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Franklin, TN
Williamson County Tn Jail
Zacchaeus Harris,
dob:August 1, 1990
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Mountain City, TN
Mountain City Tn Police Jail
Yoshawn Booker,
dob:October 6, 1977
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Wartburg, TN
Tn Doc Morgan County Correctional Complex Mccx
Yvonnda Ellis
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Young Paul
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Blountville, TN
Sullivan County Tn Jail
Zachary Austin
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Pikeville, TN
Tn Doc Bledsoe County Correctional Complex Bccx
Yuranko Lee
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
Young Lee
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
Young Leann
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
Young Thomas
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Yoshida Taylor, 45
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Ripley, TN
Lauderdale County Tn Jail
Young Lynn
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
Young Renea
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Young Daniel
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Kingston, TN
Roane County Tn Jail
Yearwood Douglas
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Springfield, TN
Robertson County Tn Detention Facility
Yoandy Rivera Santana, 28
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Zachariah Robert Benjamin, 28
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Zachary Alexander Walker, 22
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Smithville, TN
Dekalb County Tn Jail
Zachary Asher Greenberg, 35
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Zachary Baldwin, 29
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Zachary Blaine Miller, 29
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Zachary Asher Garrett, 19
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Young Foster
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
1 ... 507 508 509 510 511 512 513

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4 thoughts on “ᐅ Tennessee Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Daniel Scott Johnson is a piece of crud!! He needs to be locked up and never see the light of day again!! Junkie and trailer trash are the two words that best describe him. His mammy did a banged up job!!!


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