ᐅ Tennessee Prison Inmate Search

Tennessee Jail Inmate Search

Tennessee Jail Inmate SearchLocate Federal Jail Inmate Reports on each Jail Inmate throughout Tennessee. Immediate access to detailed reports on each jail inmate.
TN Jail inmate license records in addition to many other vital records. The information available in this application pertains to Tennessee felony offenders who are or who have been in the custody of the Tennessee Department of Correction. The information is submitted by various jurisdictions within Tennessee. Felony Offender Information
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ᐅ Tennessee Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
April Dawn Tiller, 32
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Pulaski, TN
Giles County Tn Jail
Inmate April Dawn Tiller
April Gentry,
dob:May 6, 1978
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
Inmate April Gentry
April Gentry,
dob:May 6, 1978
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
Inmate April Gentry
Antwione Donatello Smith, 37
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
April Green,
dob:February 25, 1989
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Blountville, TN
Sullivan County Tn Jail
Antwon Broome
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
April Laurel Tucker, 48
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
April Bunch
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Union City, TN
Obion County Tn Jail
April Estes, 36
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
April L Woodard, 33
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Antwon Rainer, 42
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Antwuan Matias Gordon, 27
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Lewisburg, TN
Marshall County Tn Jail
Antyon Legregory Williams, 33
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Antraun Coe, 36
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:May 22, 2024
Apolinario Ramirezjuarez, 32
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
April Cole, 35
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Antwoin Williams, 44
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:October 26, 2018
April L Gordon, 47
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Appleberry Jr E
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Antwon Le Angel Booker, 25
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
April Joy Branch, 36
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Dandridge, TN
Jefferson County Tn Detention Facility
April Danielle Kennedy, 32
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Elizabethton, TN
Carter County Tn Detention Center
Antrone Williams, 32
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
April Christina Conatser, 37
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
April Barbra Marie Abbott, 43
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Tazewell, TN
Claiborne County Tn Jail
April D Adams, 45
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Blountville, TN
Sullivan County Tn Jail
Antwon Jordan, 40
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:May 1, 2023
Antran Xavier Dav Hopson, 34
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Aparicio Dejesus Ayala Flores, 25
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Clarksville, TN
Montgomery County Tn Jail
April Bonner
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Johnson City, TN
Johnson City Detention Center
April Beatrice Smith, 42
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Covington, TN
Tipton County Tn Jail
Antwan Session Jr,
dob:January 8, 1991
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Lebanon, TN
Lebanon Tn Police Jail
Antwon Broome
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Antwain L Greer, 22
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
April Denise Hunt, 31
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Antwan Contrell Boothe, 27
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:June 11, 2020
April L Dillon, 41
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
April Dwayna Williams, 42
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
Antwain Dewayne Mays, 37
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Memphis, TN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Memphis
release date:October 7, 2018
April Dawn Terrell, 34
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Cleveland, TN
Bradley County Tn Justice Complex
April Latresa Patton, 33
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Adult Offender Center Aoc
Antywinton T Henderson, 50
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
April Dawn Chance, 37
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
April Demetrice Mckinney, 34
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
April Dawn Wade, 39
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Jacksboro, TN
Campbell County Tn Jail
April Dawn Anderson, 38
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Maryville, TN
Blount County Tn Detention Facility
Appleberry Dewayne
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Antwon Deshawn Tate, 19
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Covington, TN
Tipton County Tn Jail
Antwoine Maurice Owens, 40
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
Antwuan Brown, 24
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
April Brennan
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Cleveland, TN
Bradley County Tn Justice Complex
April Dawn Cross, 40
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
April Cameron
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Somerville, TN
Fayette County Tn Jail
Antwan D Gilliam, 26
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Antwaine Grayson
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Chattanooga, TN
Silverdale Detention Center Corecivic
Apersho Benson, 39
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
April L Bowman, 37
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Blountville, TN
Sullivan County Tn Jail
April Denise Sharp, 40
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Sneedville, TN
Hancock County Tn Jail
Antwan Casie Johnson, 28
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Bolivar, TN
Hardeman County Tn Jail
April Bain
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
Antwain Easton
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Clarksville, TN
Montgomery County Tn Workhouse
Antwain D Coleman, 34
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
April Deshannon Watson, 35
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Bolivar, TN
Hardeman County Tn Jail
Antwon Robinson, 20
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Antwan Partee, 27
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
April Hamilton, 36
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Antwan S Bradley, 26
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
Antwon Young, 23
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
April Gamble
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Cleveland, TN
Bradley County Tn Justice Complex
Antwan Desean Johnson, 23
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
April Kreidler
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Blountville, TN
Sullivan County Tn Jail
Antwan Seanthonio Woodruff, 30
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Trenton, TN
Gibson County Tn Jail
Apolinar Jose
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Antwan J Davis, 29
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
April Heureux
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Jasper, TN
Marion County Tn Jail
April Gardner
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Huntingdon, TN
Carroll County Tn Jail
Antwan Jeremiah Hall, 28
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Maryville, TN
Blount County Tn Detention Facility
Apaez Angel
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Jonesborough, TN
Washington County Tn Detention Center
April Delacruz, 37
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Knoxville, TN
Knox County Tn Jail
Antrell Davenport, 27
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
April Dawn Mayorga, 37
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Maryville, TN
Blount County Tn Detention Facility
Antwain Alan York, 26
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Somerville, TN
Fayette County Tn Jail
April Ann Duncan, 42
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
April Dawn Bradley, 43
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Murfreesboro, TN
Rutherford County Adult Detention Center
April Dawn Perry, 43
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Jasper, TN
Marion County Tn Jail
Applewhite Clayton
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Brownsville, TN
Haywood County Tn Jail
April Killinger
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Jamestown, TN
Fentress County Tn Jail
April Dawn Sanderson, 43
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Nashville, TN
Davidson County Tn Criminal Justice Center
April Demanche
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Columbia, TN
Maury County Tn Jail
April Dawn Green, 27
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Sevierville, TN
Sevier County Tn Jail
Antunez Maldonado Jose
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Springfield, TN
Robertson County Tn Detention Facility
April Edine Evans, 32
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Ashland City, TN
Cheatham County Tn Jail
Antwaine Valentine, 41
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
Antwan Devon Stokes, 41
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Lebanon, TN
Wilson County Tn Jail
Antron Welch, 30
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Memphis, TN
Shelby County Tn Jail East Womens Facility
April Denise Reese, 34
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Gallatin, TN
Sumner County Tn Jail
Antwon Broome
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Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County Tn Jail
Apolinar Ramirez, 56
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Kingston, TN
Roane County Tn Jail
Antray Morrow
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Selmer, TN
Mcnairy County Tn Jail
Apollo Burns
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Roan Mountain, TN
Tn Doc Carter County Annex Roane Mountain Necx
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 513

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4 thoughts on “ᐅ Tennessee Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Daniel Scott Johnson is a piece of crud!! He needs to be locked up and never see the light of day again!! Junkie and trailer trash are the two words that best describe him. His mammy did a banged up job!!!


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