ᐅ New Mexico Prison Inmate Search

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ᐅ New Mexico Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Eddie Lara
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Eduardo Estrada
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Edna Leyba
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Edmundo Rios
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Eddie Lara
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Edison Lee, 44
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Farmington, NM
San Juan County Nm Adult Detention Center
Edgar Moreno
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Chaparral, NM
Otero County Nm Processing Center Ice Mtc
Eddie Lara
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Edison Griffith, 42
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Farmington, NM
San Juan County Nm Adult Detention Center
Eddie Rodriguez
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Edemia M Johnson, 36
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Taos, NM
Taos County Nm Detention Center
Edgar Salinas Cadena
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Lordsburg, NM
Hidalgo County Nm Detention Center
Eduardo Espinoza, 24
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Lovington, NM
Lea County Nm Detention Center
Eddie Lara
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Edgar Contreras, 23
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Eden Mills, 31
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Bernalillo, NM
Sandoval County Nm Detention Center
Eddie R Rodriguez, 27
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Deming, NM
Luna County Nm Detention Center
Edgar Dominguez Cuellar, 31
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Eddie Lara
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Edmond Vester
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Edgardo Torres Rubalcava, 32
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Eddie Jones Jr Iii
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Estancia, NM
Torrance County Detention Facility Ice Corecivic
Edgar Martinez
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Deming, NM
Luna County Nm Detention Center
Eduardo Diaz, 20
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Roswell, NM
Chaves County Nm Detention Center
Edmund Lopez
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Edgar Gonzales, 42
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Deming, NM
Luna County Nm Detention Center
Eduardo Flores
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Edgar Rivera, 32
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Los Lunas, NM
Valencia County Detention Center
Eduardo Castro
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Estancia, NM
Torrance County Detention Facility Ice Corecivic
Eddie Ray Murphy, 43
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Clovis, NM
Curry County Nm Detention Center
Edgar Galindo Gonzalez, 36
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Edgar Melo Lucero
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Edgar San Martin
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Los Lunas, NM
Valencia County Detention Center
Eduardo Chavez, 20
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Eddie Rodriquez Moreno, 37
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Portales, NM
Roosevelt County Nm Detention Center
Edgar Martinez, 28
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Edgar Gomez, 38
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Edgar Carrillo Gurrola, 30
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Roswell, NM
Chaves County Nm Detention Center
Edmond Herring
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Eddie Lara
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Edgar Sandoval Majalca, 44
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Lordsburg, NM
Hidalgo County Nm Detention Center
Eduardo Chavez
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Edgar Flores Saenz, 52
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Edgar Reyes
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Edilberto Barronjaquez, 70
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Eder T Ortiz Parra, 25
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Eddie Saunders
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Milan, NM
Cibola County Correctional Center Corecivic For Bop
Edgar Gonzalez, 20
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Lovington, NM
Lea County Nm Detention Center
Edgar Hernandez, 21
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Edmundo Torres Uribe
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Lovington, NM
Lea County Nm Detention Center
1 ... 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ... 225

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