ᐅ New Mexico Prison Inmate Search

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ᐅ New Mexico Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Ashley Sims,
dob:June 13, 1985
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Avery Hamilton
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Augustine Valdez
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Austin Samuel Kane, 28
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Carlsbad, NM
Eddy County Nm Detention Center
Austin Martinez
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Augusta Thomas
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Augustine Ramirez
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Estancia, NM
Torrance County Detention Facility Ice Corecivic
Ashley Monique Chavez, 33
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Ashley Ramirez, 30
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Augustine Ramirez
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Carlsbad, NM
Eddy County Nm Detention Center
Ashley Molina
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Athan Garcia
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Avenicio Medina,
dob:April 12, 1986
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Silver City, NM
Grant County Nm Detention Center
Ashley N Gonzales, 24
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Taos, NM
Taos County Nm Detention Center
Aurelio Nmn Deleon, 34
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Clovis, NM
Curry County Nm Detention Center
Audrey E Herrera, 34
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Clovis, NM
Curry County Nm Detention Center
Aubrey Durrett
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Ashley Moorhad
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Deming, NM
Luna County Nm Juvenile Detention Center
Austen Harris, 23
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Bernalillo, NM
Sandoval County Nm Detention Center
Augustine Garcia
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Augustin Santos Lopez, 30
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Lordsburg, NM
Hidalgo County Nm Detention Center
Azarias Austin
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
August Velasquez
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Grants, NM
Nm Doc Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Wnmcf
Ashlyn Riggs
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Grants, NM
Nm Doc Northwest New Mexico Correctional Center Corecivic
Augustine Roybal
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Ashley Nicole Abbott, 32
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Farmington, NM
San Juan County Nm Adult Detention Center
August Velasquez
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Audrey Lynn Tanner, 27
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Carlsbad, NM
Eddy County Nm Detention Center
Asmer Perez Santos, 28
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Lordsburg, NM
Hidalgo County Nm Detention Center
Aubreyanna Johnson
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Roswell, NM
Chaves County Nm Detention Center
August Velasquez,
dob:August 2, 1975
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Grants, NM
Nm Doc Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Wnmcf
Austin Boone
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Carlsbad, NM
Eddy County Nm Detention Center
Autumn Skinner,
dob:September 8, 1987
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Carrizozo, NM
Lincoln County Detention Center Lcdc Lasalle
Audrianna Greenacre, 27
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Los Lunas, NM
Valencia County Detention Center
Audrianna Silva Torres, 28
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Aubrey Savage
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Ashley Naomi Martinez, 24
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Audra Ortiz
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Farmington, NM
San Juan County Nm Adult Detention Center
Avery Hamilton, 32
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Las Cruces, NM
Dona Ana County Nm Detention Center
Avelino Chavez
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
Audriana Erika Williams, 27
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Bernalillo, NM
Sandoval County Nm Detention Center
Ashton Verzel Williams, 23
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Clovis, NM
Curry County Nm Detention Center
Autumn Michelle Brown, 29
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Audra Josie Ortiz, 31
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Farmington, NM
San Juan County Nm Adult Detention Center
Avery Lara
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Alamogordo, NM
Otero County Detention Center
Auntanish T Noland, 35
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Audra Ann Bryant, 22
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Austin Jasper Long, 27
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Albuquerque, NM
Bernalillo County Nm Metropolitan Detention Center
Austin Munson Weber
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Truth or Consequences, NM
Sierra County Nm Detention Facility
Aurelio Mejia
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Los Lunas, NM
Nm Doc Central New Mexico Corrections Department Cnmcf
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 225

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