ᐅ Nevada Prison Inmate Search

Nevada Jail Inmate Search

Nevada Jail inmate

For individuals looking to access detailed reports and information on inmates incarcerated in Nevada jails, there are comprehensive online resources available. These resources offer instant access to a wide range of data concerning each jail inmate across the state of Nevada. Key features of these resources include:
Federal Jail Inmate Reports: These reports provide comprehensive information on every inmate found in federal jails within Nevada.
Publicly Available Inmate Information: Most of the information about inmates, including their identities, incarceration status, and criminal history, is available to the public.
Inmate Search Functionality: A key feature of these resources is the inmate search tool. This tool allows users to search for inmates using specific criteria such as name, location, or inmate ID.
Real-Time Data Access: The information provided is often up-to-date, reflecting the latest changes and updates in the inmates’ records.

How do you search out why someone is in Jail or Prison?
You can contact the Clerk of the Court to get the transcripts of the case and the sentencing where they were adjudicated or USE SEARCH FORM below

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ᐅ Nevada Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Heather Michelle Charter, 37
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Jean, NV
Nv Doc Jean Conservation Camp Jcc
Inmate Heather Michelle Charter
Hubert W Draw, 63
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Lovelock, NV
Nv Doc Lovelock Correctional Center Lcc
Inmate Hubert W Draw
Ignacio Alcantara Rodriguez, 37
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Carson City, NV
Nv Doc Northern Nevada Correctional Center Nncc
Inmate Ignacio Alcantara Rodriguez
Hector R Cruz, 31
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Lovelock, NV
Nv Doc Lovelock Correctional Center Lcc
Inmate Hector R Cruz
Ignacio Mirando, 56
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Carson City, NV
Nv Doc Northern Nevada Correctional Center Nncc
Inmate Ignacio Mirando
Herbert J Jackson, 30
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc Southern Desert Correctional Center Sdcc
Inmate Herbert J Jackson
Humberto Zaragoza, 30
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Carson City, NV
Nv Doc Warm Springs Correctional Center Wscc
Inmate Humberto Zaragoza
Hector L Jardine, 36
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Inmate Hector L Jardine
Ian Held, 41
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Carson City, NV
Nv Doc Stewart Conservation Camp Scc
Inmate Ian Held
Herbie Fredrick Moore, 33
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Inmate Herbie Fredrick Moore
Ihosuant Betancourt, 38
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Inmate Ihosuant Betancourt
Hugh Horstman, 39
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Carson City, NV
Nv Doc Northern Nevada Correctional Center Nncc
Inmate Hugh Horstman
Heath Christoper Valenty, 39
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Ely, NV
Nv Doc Ely State Prison Esp
Inmate Heath Christoper Valenty
Harriston L Bass, 62
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Inmate Harriston L Bass
Harry Marks
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc Southern Desert Correctional Center Sdcc
Herman Soto
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Hawthorne, NV
Mineral County Nv Detention Center
Harvey Williams
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Carson City, NV
Nevada Department Of Corrections Nv Doc
Hugo A Perez Mata
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Lovelock, NV
Lovelock Nv Police Jail
Heather Honeycutt,
dob:June 9, 1990
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North Las Vegas, NV
Nv Doc Florence Mcclure Womens Correctional Center Fmwcc
Hugo Barahona,
dob:May 4, 1977
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Pahrump, NV
Nevada Southern Detention Center Ice Corecivic
Heri Garcia
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Sparks, NV
Sparks Nv Police Jail
Herman Hollingsworth,
dob:September 12, 1987
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Winnemucca, NV
Nv Doc Humboldt Conservation Camp Hcc
Herman Soto
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Hawthorne, NV
Mineral County Nv Detention Center
Herman Hollingsworth
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Winnemucca, NV
Nv Doc Humboldt Conservation Camp Hcc
Hector Ibarra,
dob:October 4, 1980
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Isaac Vargas
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Tonopah, NV
Nv Doc Tonopah Conservation Camp Tcc
Isiah Brown
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Pahrump, NV
Nevada Southern Detention Center Ice Corecivic
Heather Thomas
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Minden, NV
Douglas County Nv Jail Minden
Hector Santibanze
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Herbert Vicars
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Carson City, NV
Nevada Department Of Corrections Nv Doc
Isiah Brown
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Pahrump, NV
Nevada Southern Detention Center Ice Corecivic
Harvey Ortega,
dob:January 30, 1983
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc Southern Desert Correctional Center Sdcc
Heather Gvant
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Yerington, NV
Lyon County Nv Jail
Heliadio Orozco Marroqua N,
dob:May 7, 1999
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Las Vegas, NV
North Las Vegas Detention Center
Heather Honeycutt,
dob:June 9, 1990
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North Las Vegas, NV
Nv Doc Florence Mcclure Womens Correctional Center Fmwcc
Ian Fitzpatrick
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Yerington, NV
Yerington Nv Police Jail
Hugo Barahona Escobar
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Pahrump, NV
Nevada Southern Detention Center Ice Corecivic
Heather Nitto
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North Las Vegas, NV
Nv Doc Florence Mcclure Womens Correctional Center Fmwcc
Heliadio Orozco Marroqua N,
dob:May 7, 1999
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Las Vegas, NV
North Las Vegas Detention Center
Hollis Corbin
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Hiran Pujol
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Herman Soto,
dob:August 24, 1980
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Hawthorne, NV
Mineral County Nv Detention Center
Herman Soto,
dob:August 24, 1980
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Hawthorne, NV
Mineral County Nv Detention Center
Isaac Rosales
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Las Vegas, NV
Clark County Nv Detention Center
Homar Luna
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Lovelock, NV
Pershing County Nv Sheriffs Jail
Henry Gerling
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Carson City, NV
Nv Doc Northern Nevada Correctional Center Nncc
Herman Soto
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Hawthorne, NV
Mineral County Nv Detention Center
Hector Armendariz
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc Southern Desert Correctional Center Sdcc
Heriberto Edeza Retanoca, 30
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Carson City, NV
Nv Doc Northern Nevada Correctional Center Nncc
Harold Price,
dob:September 15, 1989
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Pioche, NV
Lincoln County Nv Jail
Irving Gonzalez
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Pahrump, NV
Nevada Southern Detention Center Ice Corecivic
Isaac Rosales
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc Three Lakes Valley Boot Camp Tlvbc
Isaac Gonzales,
dob:August 7, 1981
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Pahrump, NV
Nevada Southern Detention Center Ice Corecivic
Herman Soto
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Hawthorne, NV
Mineral County Nv Detention Center
Henry Gabriel
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc Three Lakes Valley Conservation Camp Tlvcc
Herman Soto
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Hawthorne, NV
Mineral County Nv Detention Center
Herbert Vicars
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Carson City, NV
Nevada Department Of Corrections Nv Doc
Heather Givant
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Yerington, NV
Yerington Nv Police Jail
Happy Oum
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
Harvin Guerra Gomez
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Pahrump, NV
Nevada Southern Detention Center Ice Corecivic
Honorato Duran
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Las Vegas, NV
North Las Vegas Detention Center
Iban Aguirre
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc Three Lakes Valley Conservation Camp Tlvcc
Isaac Rosales
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc Three Lakes Valley Boot Camp Tlvbc
Ian Fitzpatrick
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Yerington, NV
Lyon County Nv Jail
Herbert Figueroa
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Indian Springs, NV
Nv Doc High Desert State Prison Hdsp
1 ... 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ... 67

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Any questions regarding an inmate, please call Family Services at (775) 887-3367. Victims looking for inmate information please contact Victim Services at (775) 887-3393.


3 thoughts on “ᐅ Nevada Prison Inmate Search”

  1. When is Frank going to be paroled? Great person in his day. Drugs corrupted his thinking and actions. He showed remorse why not give him freedom for a few years?


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