Nebraska Prison Inmate Search

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services

Nebraska Jail Inmate Search

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Nebraska Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Joaquin Garcia, 27
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York, NE
York County Ne Jail
Jimmel W Fuller, 33
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Joel Jones
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Broken Bow, NE
Broken Bow Ne Police Jail
Joel Olechoski
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Plattsmouth, NE
City Of Plattsmouth Ne Police Jail
Jesus P Cardoza,
dob:July 23, 1990
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Omaha, NE
Ne Doc Omaha Correctional Center Occ
Joe M Jones, 39
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Joel L Ochoa, 40
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jethro A Dufour,
dob:September 4, 1986
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Nebraska State Penitentiary Nsp
Jimmy Pritchard,
dob:December 28, 1980
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Gering, NE
Scotts Bluff County Ne Detention Center
Jodeci T Woods, 26
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Joel Parks Porter, 50
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Lexington, NE
Lexington Ne Police Jail 12441
Joel Quezada
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Franklin, NE
Franklin County Ne Jail
Joe C Anderson, 46
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jesus Rodriguez Mendez, 53
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Hastings, NE
Adams County Ne Jail
Jesus Ortiz, 26
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Papillion, NE
Sarpy County Jail
Jhon T Arbelaez,
dob:January 13, 1984
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Omaha, NE
Ne Doc Omaha Correctional Center Occ
Jimi Hendrix Cervantes, 37
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Grand Island, NE
Hall County Department Of Corrections Ice
Joel Delacruz,
dob:January 31, 1989
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Omaha, NE
Ne Doc Omaha Correctional Center Occ
Jody John Olson, 49
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jesus Jimenez, 37
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Papillion, NE
Sarpy County Jail
Jimmy L Conley,
dob:July 26, 1983
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Nebraska State Penitentiary Nsp
Jevell C Turner, 48
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jevaughn D Erwin, 19
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Jimmie Wyatt
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McCook, NE
Ne Doc Work Ethic Camp Mccook Wec
Jesus Jerrado Flores, 37
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Grand Island, NE
Hall County Department Of Corrections Ice
Joel Delacruz, 29
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jimmy Livingston, 60
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jody William Duke, 39
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Fairbury, NE
Jefferson County Ne Jail
Jimmy Ramirez, 25
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Joel A Craig, 44
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Jodi Newman, 25
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jevaughn Erwin
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Minden, NE
Kearney County Ne Jail
Jez Meyer, 40
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jimmy A Deleon,
dob:September 3, 1980
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Nebraska State Penitentiary Nsp
Jimmie L Aka Crawford, 59
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jimmy Ramirez, 25
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Plattsmouth, NE
Cass County Ne Jail
Jill Jordan
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Fairbury, NE
Jefferson County Ne Jail
Jimmy Mckee, 42
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Joe L Jackson, 23
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Jimmie L Aka Crawford,
dob:April 27, 1958
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Lincoln Correctional Center Lcc
Jesus Vazquez De La Cruz, 27
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David City, NE
Butler County Ne Jail
Jo Helen Williams, 58
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jesus Torres
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Diagnostic And Evaluation Center Dec
Jesus Vargas, 37
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jimmy L Hoffman, 69
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Joel A Gonzalez, 44
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Joe Chavez, 42
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Gering, NE
Scotts Bluff County Ne Detention Center
Jimmie J Williams, 55
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jevan T Davis, 29
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jhovani Gomez Garcia
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Wilber, NE
Saline County Ne Jail
Jimmy Lee Rivers, 42
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Lincoln, NE
Lancaster County Ne Correctional Facility
Joel R Aka Evans, 67
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jimmy Lee Conley, 34
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Wahoo, NE
Saunders County Corrections
Joanna Marie Guerra, 30
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Lincoln, NE
Lancaster County Ne Correctional Facility
Jill M Curran,
dob:May 25, 1965
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Community Corrections Center Lincoln Ccc L
Joe G Servantes, 23
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Kearney, NE
Buffalo County Ne Jail
Jesus Torres, 36
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Joedy E Brummels,
dob:September 8, 1960
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Community Corrections Center Lincoln Ccc L
Jodi Ann Haynes, 27
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Lincoln, NE
Lancaster County Ne Correctional Facility
Joel A Jones, 32
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Jodi Lynne Stevens, 51
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Wahoo, NE
Saunders County Corrections
Joe J Cool,
dob:May 15, 1971
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Lincoln Correctional Center Lcc
Jodi Jean Paulsen, 29
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York, NE
York County Ne Jail
Jesus Ortiz, 26
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Plattsmouth, NE
Cass County Ne Jail
Jobe Eugene Smith, 30
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
1 ... 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 ... 133

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The agency operates 10 prisons in five communities in Nebraska.
It is the second-largest state agency and employs approximately 2,300 team members in more than 200 different job classifications.
The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services’ (NDCS) mission is: ‘Keep people safe.’

13 thoughts on “Nebraska Prison Inmate Search”

  1. if anyone sees him, call Hoover AL police department and ask for Detective Todd Hennington. He has two felony warrants out for his arrest there. He also has 3 warrants out in Minnehaha County (Sioux Falls, SD) and 5 warrants in Codington County ( Watertown, SD). He is dangerous and has caused bodily harm to many

  2. He’s been stalking me for 8 years. Every time I move to a new city or a new state he finds me. I had a no contact order which he violated 200 times.

  3. Wow. I knew was in Omaha, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and (I believe) Cincinnati in the past year. I was no aware he’d made it to South Dakota. He calls me about once a month…more, depending on his degree of drunkenness.


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