Nebraska Prison Inmate Search

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services

Nebraska Jail Inmate Search

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Nebraska Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Shon M Greenfield, 29
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Stan L Gibson, 45
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Stanley B Nixon, 28
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Stacia Keener
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York, NE
Ne Doc Nebraska Correctional Center For Women Nccw
Sheridan Duane Matthews, 46
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Trenton, NE
Hitchcock County Ne Jail
Sinar Gomez, 22
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Skyler Murray, 27
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York, NE
York County Ne Jail
Sondra Marie Gray, 37
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Lincoln, NE
Lancaster County Ne Correctional Facility
Sheldon Loydd Edwards, 25
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Lincoln, NE
Lancaster County Ne Correctional Facility
Sidney N Jackson, 26
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Spencer Scott, 31
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Stacy A Angelosorio, 45
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Sinar Gomez Alvarez, 22
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Plattsmouth, NE
Cass County Ne Jail
Stacie Cameron Barton, 41
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Columbus, NE
Platte County Ne Detention Facility
Sheri Lynn Meyers, 41
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Clayton, NE
Clay County Ne Jail
Sidney G Weaver, 58
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Shelly Rae Simon, 52
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Lincoln, NE
Lancaster County Ne Correctional Facility
Somer Nikole Chevonte Keith, 26
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Papillion, NE
Sarpy County Jail
Stacey L Bell,
dob:June 12, 1971
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Omaha, NE
Ne Doc Omaha Correctional Center Occ
Stacy Allen
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Plattsmouth, NE
Cass County Ne Jail
Shyeir H Brown, 36
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Sidney B Coleman, 52
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Shumaker Leroy
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Department Of Corrections Nebraska
Solomon Jackson, 32
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Skylar James Scott, 25
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Beatrice, NE
Gage County Ne Detention Center
Sosimo Gonzalez De La Cruz, 34
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Gering, NE
Scotts Bluff County Ne Detention Center
Sherman Thomas, 41
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Sherri L Terry, 50
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Grand Island, NE
Hall County Department Of Corrections Ice
Sierra Campbell
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Lincoln, NE
Lancaster County Ne Juvenile Detention Center
Sophia Jenkins, 34
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Stacey Miller, 35
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Shonda L Curry, 33
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Stacy Lee Gibson, 53
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Blair, NE
Washington County Ne Jail
Skye Am Chavez, 25
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Kearney, NE
Buffalo County Ne Jail
Sonia Lee, 45
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Simon Sweeney
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McCook, NE
Ne Doc Work Ethic Camp Mccook Wec
Sidney R Smith, 30
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Shera A Goodwin, 31
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Sonny T Delong,
dob:January 27, 1981
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Tecumseh, NE
Ne Doc Tecumseh State Correctional Institution Tsci
Stan White, 34
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Spencer R Johnson, 39
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Shyeir H Brown,
dob:September 30, 1981
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Lincoln Correctional Center Lcc
Sheridan E Jensen, 24
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Stacey Leroy Fletcher, 45
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Spencer Scott
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Holdrege, NE
Phelps County Ne Jail
release date:May 2, 2019
Sherman Butler, 45
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Shytwain Foster, 24
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Skylar Dawn Miller, 27
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Lexington, NE
Lexington Ne Police Jail 12441
Skyler D Bonacci,
dob:May 9, 1992
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Tecumseh, NE
Ne Doc Tecumseh State Correctional Institution Tsci
Sonny D Balvin,
dob:November 19, 1982
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Nebraska State Penitentiary Nsp
Sherman Clemons, 35
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Stacy O Allen, 31
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Stacey L Bell, 46
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Stacy Lynette Neal, 33
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Clayton, NE
Clay County Ne Jail
Shonda L Curry,
dob:January 31, 1985
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Community Corrections Center Lincoln Ccc L
Shontay D Davis, 38
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Sherry Lynn Thomas, 34
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Lincoln, NE
Lancaster County Ne Correctional Facility
Skyler Vergith
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Lincoln, NE
Ne Doc Lincoln Correctional Center Lcc
Sophia Irene Jimenez, 32
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Gering, NE
Scotts Bluff County Ne Detention Center
Shianne E Bassett, 23
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Fairbury, NE
Jefferson County Ne Jail
Skyler James Bennett, 26
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Shydale E Glass, 20
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Omaha, NE
Douglas County Ne Detention Center Ice
Sonny G Garcia, 48
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Grand Island, NE
Hall County Department Of Corrections Ice
Sonya D King, 50
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Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Department Of Correctional Services Ne Doc
Skylar Summer Escandon Anderson, 22
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Kearney, NE
Buffalo County Ne Jail
1 ... 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 ... 133

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The agency operates 10 prisons in five communities in Nebraska.
It is the second-largest state agency and employs approximately 2,300 team members in more than 200 different job classifications.
The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services’ (NDCS) mission is: ‘Keep people safe.’

13 thoughts on “Nebraska Prison Inmate Search”

  1. if anyone sees him, call Hoover AL police department and ask for Detective Todd Hennington. He has two felony warrants out for his arrest there. He also has 3 warrants out in Minnehaha County (Sioux Falls, SD) and 5 warrants in Codington County ( Watertown, SD). He is dangerous and has caused bodily harm to many

  2. He’s been stalking me for 8 years. Every time I move to a new city or a new state he finds me. I had a no contact order which he violated 200 times.

  3. Wow. I knew was in Omaha, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and (I believe) Cincinnati in the past year. I was no aware he’d made it to South Dakota. He calls me about once a month…more, depending on his degree of drunkenness.


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