Kansas Prison Inmate Search

Kansas Jail

Kansas Jail Inmate Search

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Kansas Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Clifton Robert Wilson, 48
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Fredonia, KS
Wilson County Ks Jail
Inmate Clifton Robert Wilson
Clinton Dee Lee, 31
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Stockton, KS
Rooks County Jail
Clemente M Garcia Mendoza, 50
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clint Edward Walker, 28
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Winfield, KS
Cowley County Ks Jail
Clint Arthur Lewis, 43
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Clell Roderick Moody, 30
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Clifford Emanuel Johnson, 22
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Atchison, KS
Atchison County Ks Jail
Clement Timothy Reid, 46
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Clifton Sean Powell, 40
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clemente Garcia, 29
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clilton Bejean Carruthers, 31
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Clifford Stephens, 28
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cleatis Markelle Mitchell, 42
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clinton Deon Dorsey, 45
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Winfield, KS
Cowley County Ks Jail
Clint Allen Hernandez, 36
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clifford John David, 41
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Wellington, KS
Sumner County Ks Jail
Cleo Williams, 37
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Clifton Decarlo Allen, 24
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Clint Alan Morgan, 41
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Westmoreland, KS
Pottawatomie County Ks Jail
Cleo Darrell Johnson, 22
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Clinton Gene Zimmerman, 37
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clerance Bradley
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth Detention Center Corecivic
Clint Lewis Wilson, 48
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Clint Glen Cheney, 33
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Concordia, KS
Cloud County Jail
Clifford Anthony Young, 50
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Clifford Bernard Mann, 61
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Hiawatha, KS
Brown County Ks Jail
Clifton Adam Beard, 37
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth County Jail
Clemente Garcia
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Ellsworth, KS
Ellsworth County Jail
Clifford Eugene Schmidt, 34
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Anthony, KS
Harper County Ks Jail
Clinton Douglas Peck, 29
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Clinton Bascue
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Ellsworth, KS
Ks Doc Ellsworth Correctional Facility Ecf
Clifford Demond Scott, 24
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Clifford Darius Desean Scott, 22
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clinton Glen Cheney, 33
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Clinton Elliot Cline, 27
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clifford Eugene Larson, 53
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Clifford Paul Mckee, 32
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Mound City, KS
Linn County Ks Jail
Clemmie Allen Sutton, 63
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Ottawa, KS
Franklin County Ks Jail
Clifton Lee Bray, 29
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clifford Pankey
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth Detention Center Corecivic
Clifford Dean Harper, 48
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Ness City, KS
Ness County Jail
Clifford Bradley Schroeder, 62
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clinton Andrew Brown, 41
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clifford Eugene Bullock, 48
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Scott City, KS
Scott County Ks Jail
Clinton Evans
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Dodge City, KS
Ford County Ks Jail
Clifford Paul Pearson, 62
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Clemente Garcia
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clinton Alan Robbins, 25
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Iola, KS
Allen County Ks Jail
Cleo Lamar Hall, 48
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clifford Lee Mcclure, 30
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Tribune, KS
Greeley County Ks Jail
Cleo Williams
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Cleon Tyrone Mckinney, 45
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Clifton Robert Wilson, 50
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cleveland L Scott, 46
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:April 30, 2020
Clifton Stefon Porter, 41
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Cleophus A Collier, 27
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:December 29, 2024
Clint L Ball, 45
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:October 31, 2023
Cletis O Quinn
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Meade, KS
Meade County Ks Jail
Clifton William Browning, 35
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Westmoreland, KS
Pottawatomie County Ks Jail
Clinton David Johns, 37
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Iola, KS
Allen County Ks Jail
Cletis O Quinn
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Meade, KS
Meade County Ks Jail
Clifford Jerome Robinson, 45
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Clifton Wayne Parks, 46
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cleophus D James, 54
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:May 28, 2032
Clifford C Copp, 61
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Kansas City, KS
Residential Reentry Management Rrm Kansas City
Clinton Daniel Mccarthy, 28
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Cleveland Henderson, 20
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Clint Lorance
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Fort Leavenworth, KS
Us Disciplinary Barracks Usdb At Fort Leavenworth
release date:April 2, 2032
Clevon Lester Woodard, 38
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Holton, KS
Jackson County Ks Jail
Clifford Silas Parsons, 52
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Topeka, KS
Shawnee County Detention Center
Cledale Nmn Caldwell, 46
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Hiawatha, KS
Brown County Ks Jail
Clinton Douglas Peck, 29
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Clifton Lee Middleton, 26
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Clifford Joseph Walsh, 27
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Westmoreland, KS
Pottawatomie County Ks Jail
Clifford Eugene Hardy, 59
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Cleophus Cortez Currie, 48
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
1 ... 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ... 497

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How do I know where an inmate is housed?  You may check an inmate’s location and status on the
Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (KASPER) located on the KDOC’s website. Information is updated daily, excluding weekends.

5 thoughts on “Kansas Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Robert Thomas Lewis… Of kansas and Akron Ohio… Your big brother Henry Huston Lewis is in search of you… Please get ahold of him .330 778 5586


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