Kansas Prison Inmate Search

Kansas Jail

Kansas Jail Inmate Search

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Kansas Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Christopher Shawn Brown, 37
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Colby, KS
Thomas County Ks Jail
Inmate Christopher Shawn Brown
Christopher Thomas Miller, 30
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Colby, KS
Thomas County Ks Jail
Inmate Christopher Thomas Miller
Christopher William Velvick, 32
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:December 22, 2022
Christy Ann Moore, 39
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Christopher Villela, 37
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Wayne Hunter, 35
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Winfield, KS
Cowley County Ks Jail
Christophor Joshua Hill, 34
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Minneapolis, KS
Ottawa County Ks Jail
Christopher William Gibson, 21
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Torres, 29
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
Christopher Scott Gray, 35
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Atchison, KS
Atchison County Ks Jail
Christopher Ward, 34
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:October 22, 2023
Christopher Warren Shaw, 26
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Ottawa, KS
Franklin County Ks Jail
Christopher Stoner, 49
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:July 20, 2021
Christopher Yungeberg
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Minneapolis, KS
Ottawa County Ks Jail
Christopher Scott Lambie, 24
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Christy L Rowe, 25
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Syracuse, KS
Hamilton County Ks Jail 2390
Christopher Wayne Hunt, 49
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Christopher William Matthews, 31
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Lakin, KS
Kearny County Jail
Christopher Thomas Sullivan, 27
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Christy Ann Fisher, 48
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher T Eubanks, 44
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:December 11, 2018
Christopher Wayne Baker, 29
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Winfield, KS
Cowley County Ks Jail
Christopher Thomas Banks, 44
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Christopher Wayne Parrish, 29
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Wayne Dennis, 35
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Christy Finstad
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Emporia, KS
Emporia Police Jail
Christopher Self
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Meade, KS
Meade County Ks Jail
Christopher William Davis, 39
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Christopher Shawn Bartlett, 44
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Topeka, KS
Shawnee County Detention Center
Christopher Walz
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth Detention Center Corecivic
Christopher Vien Nguyen, 40
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Wayne Hartman, 33
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Shawn Adams, 32
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Lyons, KS
Rice County Ks Detention Center
Christopher Wayne Heath, 27
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Christopher Wilson, 40
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Fredonia, KS
Wilson County Ks Jail
Christopher Wray Bowen, 28
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Burlington, KS
Coffey County Ks Jail
Christopher Scott Sheppard, 23
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher William Longfellow, 35
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Ottawa, KS
Franklin County Ks Jail
Christopher William Knox, 34
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Shane Douglas, 35
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Christopher Wayne Scott, 37
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Columbus, KS
Cherokee County Ks Jail
Christopher Scott Johnson, 42
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Clay Center, KS
Clay County Ks Jail
Christopher Thomas Macias, 36
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Christopher Wren
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Concordia, KS
Concordia Ks Police Jail
Christy Jean Huffman, 43
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Christopher Thomas Robinson, 44
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Pratt, KS
Pratt County Detention Facility
Christopher Troy Ford, 31
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Christy Ann Hewitt, 38
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Christopher Stanley Woodson, 44
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Westfield, 24
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Marysville, KS
Marshall County Ks Jail
Christopher Uriah Moore, 26
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Shaun White, 37
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Christopher Shane Jacobs, 29
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Garden City, KS
Finney County Jail
Christopher Vanwye
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Christopher Tewanus Copeland, 42
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Holton, KS
Jackson County Ks Jail
Christopher Wayne Fields, 27
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christy Lynn Swor, 45
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Girard, KS
Crawford County Ks Jail
Christopher William Mueller, 36
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher William Brockelman, 34
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Emporia, KS
Lyon County Ks Jail
Christopher Simons
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Elkhart, KS
Morton County Jail
Christopher Winston Small, 28
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Garden City, KS
Finney County Jail
Christopher Scott Ross, 25
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Wellington, KS
Sumner County Ks Jail
Christopher Steven Sampson, 46
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Ft. Scott, KS
Bourbon County Ks Jail
Christopher Scott Lovelette, 25
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Thomas Durham, 45
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Emporia, KS
Lyon County Ks Jail
Christopher Steven Gene Prince, 25
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Hays, KS
Ellis County Ks Detention Center
Christopher Wyatt Hopkins, 23
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Christy L Barron Mcgaughy, 47
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Troy, KS
Doniphan County Jail
Christy Marie Rogers, 37
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Independence, KS
Montgomery County Ks Jail
Christopher Thomas Olin, 43
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Christopher Woods
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Erie, KS
Erie Jail
Christopher Tayann Mccullough, 49
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Christopher Wayne Howey, 44
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Emporia, KS
Lyon County Ks Jail
Christopher Scott Maddox, 48
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth County Jail
Christy Louis Contreras, 27
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Christy Lynn Mitchell, 37
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Wellington, KS
Sumner County Ks Jail
1 ... 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ... 497

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How do I know where an inmate is housed?  You may check an inmate’s location and status on the
Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (KASPER) located on the KDOC’s website. Information is updated daily, excluding weekends.

5 thoughts on “Kansas Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Robert Thomas Lewis… Of kansas and Akron Ohio… Your big brother Henry Huston Lewis is in search of you… Please get ahold of him .330 778 5586


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