Kansas Prison Inmate Search

Kansas Jail

Kansas Jail Inmate Search

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Kansas Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Chelsea Rae Hobbs, 24
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Chelsea Lynne Curry, 29
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Topeka, KS
Shawnee County Detention Center
Chaz Hicks
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Juvenile Detention Center
Chaz Devin Mcbride, 30
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Winfield, KS
Cowley County Ks Jail
Chelsie Marie Pierce, 23
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Chequella Monique Richardson, 24
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Chaya E Jones, 36
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Cherokee Rose Gomez, 28
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Ft. Scott, KS
Bourbon County Ks Jail
Chaz David Hicks, 20
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Chelsea Michelle Thompson, 24
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsie Brooke Gibson, 26
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Iola, KS
Allen County Ks Jail
Cheryl Le Ann West Todd, 53
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Chavous Dewayne Hunt, 39
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chayce Antonio Sargent, 20
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Columbus, KS
Cherokee County Ks Jail
Chellcie Lynn Sparks, 29
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Holton, KS
Jackson County Ks Jail
Chelsiegh Marie Cobb, 29
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Ottawa, KS
Franklin County Ks Jail
Chazmin Shea Weaver, 26
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Topeka, KS
Shawnee County Detention Center
Chelsey Kay Ruiz, 25
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Chelsea Ann Clark, 28
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Garden City, KS
Finney County Jail
Chelsea Michelle Lynn, 18
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Ottawa, KS
Franklin County Ks Jail
Chelsea J Mendez, 26
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Chelsea Marie Horner, 24
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth County Jail
Chelsea Renae Graham, 23
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Chelsea Rose Gilbert, 28
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Cheryl Denise Wards, 33
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Anthony, KS
Harper County Ks Jail
Chelsea Kae Brooks, 28
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Anthony, KS
Harper County Ks Jail
Cheryl Fulsom
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Sedan, KS
Chautauqua County Ks Jail
Cheryl Kay Anderson, 58
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Holton, KS
Jackson County Ks Jail
Cheryl Lynn Boyd, 43
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Holton, KS
Jackson County Ks Jail
Chaz Isaih Ramone Smith, 24
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Goodland, KS
Sherman County Ks Jail
Chelsea Shannon Bates, 24
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Chelsea Renee Pope, 30
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Lakin, KS
Kearny County Jail
Cheryl Dianne Harrison, 56
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsa Renay Kemp, 42
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsie Catrina Taylor, 31
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Chelsea Nicole King, 26
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Chelsea Lane Taylor, 26
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth County Jail
Chelsey Marie Beckett, 29
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cheryl Ann Burris, 49
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Columbus, KS
Cherokee County Ks Jail
Chelsea Elyse Grimes, 27
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsea Rae Taylor, 40
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Mound City, KS
Linn County Ks Jail
Chelsea Nycole Stoner, 20
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsea Renee Cox, 28
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsea Nicole Wilderman, 31
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Girard, KS
Crawford County Ks Jail
Chavony Shadae Lovelady, 23
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsey Dawn Hegi, 29
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsea Briana Pauls, 28
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Wellington, KS
Sumner County Ks Jail
Chelsie Kay Allison, 26
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Pratt, KS
Pratt County Detention Facility
Chavelo Lino Hernandez, 27
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Chelsea Brooks
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Anthony, KS
Anthony Police Jail
Chere Dawn Nash, 26
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsy Daylynn Garcia, 30
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Ulysses, KS
Grant County Ks Jail
Chelsea Jean Finch, 25
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Holton, KS
Jackson County Ks Jail
Chema Morales, 36
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Chelsea Marie Burris, 40
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Concordia, KS
Cloud County Jail
Chelsae Lynn Scott, 31
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Russell, KS
Russell County Ks Jail
Cherlonnda Corstesi Coleman, 46
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cherrelle Denice Thomas, 27
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Independence, KS
Montgomery County Ks Jail
Chaz Zachery Stephens, 25
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Chelsae Hall,
dob:September 7, 1989
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Girard, KS
Crawford County Ks Jail
Cheryl Lee Rombough, 47
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsi Renae Baker, 22
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Hays, KS
Ellis County Ks Detention Center
Chelsea Nicole Beckenholdt, 33
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Phillipsburg, KS
Phillips County Ks Jail
Chazare Raymyron Oliver, 36
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsea Renee Clayton, 28
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Lyons, KS
Rice County Ks Detention Center
Chaz Michael Booth, 22
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Topeka, KS
Shawnee County Detention Center
Chelsea Lynn Guyton, 20
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Chaysen Allen Cunningham, 18
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Lyndon, KS
Osage County Ks Jail
Chelsolyn Nicole Larsen, 22
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Minneapolis, KS
Ottawa County Ks Jail
Chelsea Marae Sanchez, 26
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Chereon Marie Rohrbough, 36
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chavierre R Walker, 26
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:August 23, 2024
Chaz Michael Lawrence, 27
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Cher Jeanine Hawkins, 28
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chavis Andrew Rocha, 32
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Chelsea Anne Day, 23
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
1 ... 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ... 497

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How do I know where an inmate is housed?  You may check an inmate’s location and status on the
Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (KASPER) located on the KDOC’s website. Information is updated daily, excluding weekends.

5 thoughts on “Kansas Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Robert Thomas Lewis… Of kansas and Akron Ohio… Your big brother Henry Huston Lewis is in search of you… Please get ahold of him .330 778 5586


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