Kansas Prison Inmate Search

Kansas Jail

Kansas Jail Inmate Search

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Kansas Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Cameron Michael Taylor, 27
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Garden City, KS
Finney County Jail
Cameron Lee Johnson, 31
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Independence, KS
Montgomery County Ks Jail
Cameron Robert Stafford, 36
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Mankato, KS
Jewell County Jail
Cameo Dontae Johnson, 26
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Hatten, 54
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Kansas City, KS
Residential Reentry Management Rrm Kansas City
Calvin Willie Smith, 38
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Richard Fields, 65
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Terrell Stafford, 23
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Independence, KS
Montgomery County Ks Jail
Cameron Reid Wallace, 25
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Cami Madison Wilson, 21
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Hinz
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Calvin Grimes
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Concordia, KS
Cloud County Jail
Callie Jo Reilly, 30
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Wellington, KS
Sumner County Ks Jail
Calvin Bagola, 31
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:September 1, 2018
Calvin Watson
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth Detention Center Corecivic
Calvin Dewayne Baker, 27
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cameron Earl Ware, 23
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Oskaloosa, KS
Jefferson County Ks Jail
Cameron Jermaine Walton, 35
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth County Jail
Cameron Jamin Douglas, 23
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Cameron Taylor Johnston, 50
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Mound City, KS
Linn County Ks Jail
Cameron Lanier Warner, 25
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Topeka, KS
Shawnee County Detention Center
Calvin Demont Brooks, 29
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cameron Banary Sims, 31
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth County Jail
Calvin Lee Conway, 53
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Topeka, KS
Shawnee County Detention Center
Cameron Foster Scott, 42
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Cameron Lee Vargas, 27
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Kingman, KS
Kingman County Ks Jail
Camia Rochan Hughes, 37
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Cameron Davis Jones, 32
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Calvin James Graybeal, 30
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Lyndon, KS
Osage County Ks Jail
Camden Ray Hubbard, 37
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Topeka, KS
Shawnee County Detention Center
Calvin Dean Baker, 44
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Camarin Alexandre Mcpherson, 24
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Oneal Taylor, 34
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Callie Lorraine Smith, 30
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Columbus, KS
Cherokee County Ks Jail
Cameron Joseph Westbrook, 27
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cameron Lloyd Powell, 30
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Calvin Neal, 52
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Callen Jade Douglas, 24
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Tyrone Williams, 29
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cameron Neal Mayer, 35
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Hiawatha, KS
Brown County Ks Jail
Cameron Shadell Robinson, 22
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cameron Alexander Turner, 25
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Cameron Chase Johnson, 19
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Wayne Browning, 57
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Burlington, KS
Coffey County Ks Jail
Calvin Donetrey Williams, 24
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Columbus, KS
Cherokee County Ks Jail
Calvin Ray Anderson, 37
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Cameron Michael Bishop, 19
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Ft. Scott, KS
Bourbon County Ks Jail
Cameron T M Hayes, 19
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Calvin Lamar Thomas, 43
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Cameron Paul Moore, 20
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Wayne Jones, 29
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Concordia, KS
Cloud County Jail
Cameron Wayne Stewart, 28
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Girard, KS
Crawford County Ks Jail
Calvin Tyree Langford, 35
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Richard Stewart, 47
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Cameron Joseph Turner, 27
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Oswego, KS
Labette County Jail
Calvin Almond
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth Detention Center Corecivic
Cameron Scott Osborne, 31
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Columbus, KS
Cherokee County Ks Jail
Calvin Ray Holt, 53
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cameron Franklin Cook, 20
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Fredonia, KS
Wilson County Ks Jail
Calvin C Jones, 38
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:August 30, 2018
Calvin D Patillar, 49
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Leavenworth, KS
United States Penitentiary Usp Leavenworth
release date:February 1, 2031
Cameron Douglas May, 48
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Concordia, KS
Cloud County Jail
Calvin Mckinley Prince, 31
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cameron Christian Arthur Wilson, 25
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Holton, KS
Jackson County Ks Jail
Calvin Louis Segura, 30
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Sharard Miller, 57
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Calvin Woodberry, 61
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Cami Jo Dixon, 26
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Oswego, KS
Labette County Jail
Calvin Lavon Williams, 38
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Cameron Roy Shaffer, 26
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Calvin Monroe Conley, 47
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Wellington, KS
Sumner County Ks Jail
Cameron James Briggs, 24
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Calvin Jasper Perkins, 21
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Hays, KS
Ellis County Ks Detention Center
Calvin L Williams, 59
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Calvin Gene Fletcher, 34
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Calvin Mc Ginnes
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El Dorado, KS
Ks Doc El Dorado Correctional Facility Edcf
1 ... 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ... 497

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How do I know where an inmate is housed?  You may check an inmate’s location and status on the
Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (KASPER) located on the KDOC’s website. Information is updated daily, excluding weekends.

5 thoughts on “Kansas Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Robert Thomas Lewis… Of kansas and Akron Ohio… Your big brother Henry Huston Lewis is in search of you… Please get ahold of him .330 778 5586


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