Kansas Prison Inmate Search

Kansas Jail

Kansas Jail Inmate Search

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Kansas Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Billy J Adams, 44
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Ottawa, KS
Franklin County Ks Jail
Billy Dewayne Hamilton, 47
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Billy L Patton, 68
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Leavenworth, KS
Leavenworth County Jail
Billy Joe Welliver, 41
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billie Jean Love, 29
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Independence, KS
Montgomery County Ks Jail
Billy Gene Coley, 70
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Ottawa, KS
Franklin County Ks Jail
Billy Jack Riley, 41
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Bianca Sue Hollander, 28
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billy Dean Adams, 43
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Lyndon, KS
Osage County Ks Jail
Billy Lee Henderson, 27
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Billy Leroy Scott, 47
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Bianca Rena Washington, 23
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Joe Buckley, 55
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Columbus, KS
Cherokee County Ks Jail
Bill Lee Claypole, 63
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Billy Gene Gould, 41
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Gene Sutton, 44
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Independence, KS
Montgomery County Ks Jail
Billy Joe Dotson, 54
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Dean Martin, 41
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Salina, KS
Saline County Ks Jail
Billie Ann Chase, 38
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McPherson, KS
Mcpherson County Ks Jail
Billie Jean Johnson, 38
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Joe Nichols, 40
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El Dorado, KS
Butler County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Aaron Rose, 37
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Bibiana Reyes, 26
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Bill Lee Smith, 60
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billy Joe Fowler, 31
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Gene Thompson, 49
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Billie Jim Smith, 31
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Dale Richardson, 40
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Garnett, KS
Anderson County Ks Jail
Bill William Anderson, 21
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billy Joe Johnson, 54
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Wellington, KS
Sumner County Ks Jail
Billie George Francis, 37
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billie Jean Mcpherson, 34
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Dean Morris, 19
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Oswego, KS
Labette County Jail
Billy Creed Goodman, 39
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Westmoreland, KS
Pottawatomie County Ks Jail
Billie Eugene Boyd, 49
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Columbus, KS
Cherokee County Ks Jail
Billy R Davenport, 31
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Billy Joe Rhodes, 25
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Lakin, KS
Kearny County Jail
Billy Don Smallwood, 38
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Billy Martin Curry, 38
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Hays, KS
Ellis County Ks Detention Center
Bill Aaron Rose, 37
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Jack Hayes, 57
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billy Joe Compton, 43
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billy Joe Smith, 56
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Pratt, KS
Pratt County Detention Facility
Billy Joe Wilcox, 36
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Marysville, KS
Marshall County Ks Jail
Billie D Smith, 43
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Bianca Sharay Johnson, 29
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billy Dale Richardson Jr, 40
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Lyndon, KS
Osage County Ks Jail
Bibiana Vazques, 26
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billy Joe Goodface, 43
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Kansas City, KS
Wyandotte County Ks Detention Center
Billy Joe Gayer, 42
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Dee Carr, 36
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billy Ray Russell, 64
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Lakin, KS
Kearny County Jail
Billy Ray Greenwood, 51
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Atchison, KS
Atchison County Ks Jail
Bill Jim Bates, 61
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Wellington, KS
Sumner County Ks Jail
Bibiana Hernandez, 25
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Joel Martinez, 37
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Garden City, KS
Finney County Jail
Billy Joe Wilson, 24
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Bill Dale Talley, 53
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Johnson, 64
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Clay Center, KS
Clay County Ks Jail
Billy Joe Powers, 40
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Emporia, KS
Lyon County Ks Jail
Billy Jack Daniels, 30
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El Dorado, KS
Butler County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Daryl Jackson, 58
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Ray Foster Hamilton, 25
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Independence, KS
Montgomery County Ks Jail
Billy Ray Brown, 42
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Oskaloosa, KS
Jefferson County Ks Jail
Billy G Buchanan, 42
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Hays, KS
Ellis County Ks Detention Center
Billy Joe Waters, 44
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Holton, KS
Jackson County Ks Jail
Billy Joe Greene, 38
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Hutchinson, KS
Reno County Jail 2433
Billy Joe Morris, 28
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New Century, KS
Johnson County Ks New Century Detention Center
Billie George Francis, 37
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Winfield, KS
Cowley County Ks Jail
Billy Franklin Mcintosh, 19
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Great Bend, KS
Barton County Ks Jail
Billy Ray Melton, 34
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Jess Campbell, 42
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Colby, KS
Thomas County Ks Jail
Billy Gene Talley, 34
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Oswego, KS
Labette County Jail
Billy Joe Walker, 19
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Garnett, KS
Anderson County Ks Jail
Billy Hubbard Reynolds, 42
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Wichita, KS
Sedgwick County Ks Detention Facility
Billy Joel Evans, 52
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Ft. Scott, KS
Bourbon County Ks Jail
1 ... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 497

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How do I know where an inmate is housed?  You may check an inmate’s location and status on the
Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (KASPER) located on the KDOC’s website. Information is updated daily, excluding weekends.

5 thoughts on “Kansas Prison Inmate Search”

  1. Robert Thomas Lewis… Of kansas and Akron Ohio… Your big brother Henry Huston Lewis is in search of you… Please get ahold of him .330 778 5586


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