Indiana Prison Inmate Search

state of Indiana

Indiana Jail Inmate Search

Find Federal Jail Inmate Reports on every Jail Inmate throughout Indiana. Direct access to comprehensive records about any jail inmate throughout Indiana
Records of inmates serving their sentence in Indiana state prisons are maintained by Indiana Department of Corrections (DOC).
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Indiana Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Chauncey Joseph Prude, 29
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Inmate Chauncey Joseph Prude
Chelsea Casey,
dob:June 19, 1991
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Brazil, IN
Clay County In Jail Ice
Chelsea R Pitcock, 26
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Inmate Chelsea R Pitcock
Chasity Garno
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Huntington, IN
Huntington County In Jail
Chassidy Reynolds
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English, IN
Crawford County In Jail
Chelsea Schmidt, 22
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Chelsi Cox
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Logansport, IN
Cass County In Jail
Chelsea Burress
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Portland, IN
Jay County Jail
Chase Matthew King, 35
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
Chelan Crowe Kennedy, 35
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Shelbyville, IN
Shelby County In Jail
Chelli Brooks, 39
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Chassidy Reynolds
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English, IN
Crawford County In Jail
Chasity Nicole Kaufman, 21
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Brownstown, IN
Jackson County In Jail
Chasity Garno
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Huntington, IN
Huntington County In Jail
Chedric Demetrius Wright, 42
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Lafayette, IN
Tippecanoe County Jail
Chauncey Craig, 16
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Chellsie Marie Smith, 23
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Anderson, IN
Madison County In Jail
Chelsea Casey
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Brazil, IN
Clay County In Jail Ice
Chavez M Garrett, 26
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Chelsea Denise Marksberry, 30
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Tell City, IN
Perry County In Jail
Chelsey Sue Allen, 26
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New Albany, IN
Floyd County In Jail
Chase Jeremy Gray, 20
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Princeton, IN
Gibson County In Jail
Chelsay Rachelle Dickerson, 24
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Greencastle, IN
Putnam County In Jail
Chauncey Jared Williams, 21
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
Chastity Dawn Fisher, 35
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Evansville, IN
Vanderburgh County Detention Center
Chelsea Dawn Madden, 20
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Chelsea Marie Painter,
dob:June 26, 1990
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Chelsea Nicole York, 25
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Chelesea Lynne Morrow, 27
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Chelsey Leeann Bush, 28
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Rushville, IN
Rush County Jail
Chelsea Baldwin
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Warsaw, IN
Kosciusko County Jail
Chelsey Elaine Conner, 20
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Tell City, IN
Perry County In Jail
Chassidy Reynolds
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English, IN
Crawford County In Jail
Chauncey Davenport,
dob:January 13, 1986
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Hartford City, IN
Blackford County Jail
Chasey Brown
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Brazil, IN
Clay County In Jail Ice
Chauquette Lorraine Baker,
dob:April 28, 1980
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Chelsea Naperschat
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Madison, IN
In Doc Madison Correctional Facility Women
Chasey Lenae Burton, 30
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Logansport, IN
Cass County In Jail
Chasey Brown
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Brazil, IN
Clay County In Jail Ice
Chasen Rain Lovell, 23
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Delphi, IN
Carroll County In Jail
Chasity Deann Antrim, 42
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Muncie, IN
Delaware County In Jail
Chassidy A Cooley, 41
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Peru, IN
Miami County In Jail
Chase Tyron Williams, 41
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
Chelsea Neal Kekar, 29
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Chauncey Winters
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Terre Haute, IN
Terre Haute Jail
Chelsea Nicole Mcgowan, 26
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Bloomfield, IN
Greene County In Jail
Chelsea Burress
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Portland, IN
Jay County Jail
Chase T Curtis, 26
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Paoli, IN
Orange County In Jail
Chelf Marie
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Danville, IN
Hendricks County In Jail
1 ... 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ... 474

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2 thoughts on “Indiana Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I would like to write Jamey Ashley to let him know he’s being thought about. Please let me know his innate number and address to send letter. Thanks

  2. Ronald Joseph Housley now that is concrete evidence that he looks mad! You think he would learn his lesson the first time…. guess not.


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