Indiana Prison Inmate Search

state of Indiana

Indiana Jail Inmate Search

Find Federal Jail Inmate Reports on every Jail Inmate throughout Indiana. Direct access to comprehensive records about any jail inmate throughout Indiana
Records of inmates serving their sentence in Indiana state prisons are maintained by Indiana Department of Corrections (DOC).
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Indiana Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Zaire L Starks, 44
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Inmate Zaire L Starks
Zebulon T Fagner, 29
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Winamac, IN
Pulaski County In Jail
Inmate Zebulon T Fagner
Zachery H Wardlow, 20
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Inmate Zachery H Wardlow
Zackery Scott Brandt, 26
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Columbus City, IN
Whitley County In Jail
Inmate Zackery Scott Brandt
Zeke Kaden Brown, 21
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Warsaw, IN
Kosciusko County Jail
Zackary James Hubbard, 32
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Kokomo, IN
Howard County In Jail
Zavion T Payne, 21
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Zackary Galloway, 26
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Portland, IN
Jay County Jail
Zane Aaron Greene, 21
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Lebanaon, IN
Boone County In Jail
Zeonte Jordan
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Crown Point, IN
Crown Point Jail
Zackary Loren Harmon, 21
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Logansport, IN
Cass County In Jail
Zachery Ryan Edwards, 28
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
Zachary Walls
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Versailles, IN
Ripley County In Jail
Zachary Wayne Robbins, 25
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Portland, IN
Jay County Jail
Zachary Witty
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Plainfield, IN
In Doc Plainfield Correctional Facility
Zachery Lavell Hunter, 23
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Evansville, IN
Vanderburgh County Detention Center
Zarin Cash Price, 38
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Terre Haute, IN
United States Penitentiary Usp Terre Haute
release date:December 13, 2018
Zakrey Neil Armstrong, 21
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Zephaniah Daniel Henson, 20
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Kokomo, IN
Howard County In Jail
Zackery Duane Martin, 30
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Huntington, IN
Huntington County In Jail
Zoe L York, 26
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Zachery David Fields, 23
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Brownstown, IN
Jackson County In Jail
Zane Scott
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LaGrange, IN
Lagrange County Jail
Zarth Arn Lee, 56
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Lebanaon, IN
Boone County In Jail
Zarre Andrew Fitzpatrick, 21
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Plymouth, IN
Marshall County In Jail
Zackary Brian Wilson, 36
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Boonville, IN
Warrick County Security Center
Zachery J Taylor, 49
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Rockport, IN
Spencer County In Jail
Zera Louise Murray, 53
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Zeus Bush, 18
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Lafayette, IN
Tippecanoe County Jail
Zechariah Luvante Simmons, 24
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Noblesville, IN
Hamilton County In Jail
Zipporah Marie Jones, 23
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Lafayette, IN
Tippecanoe County Jail
Zackrey Cole Allen, 23
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Knox, IN
Starke County Community Corrections
Zellus Ward, 37
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte Jail 9389
Zivarre Lamone Knight, 28
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Zaire Virgen, 25
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Terre Haute, IN
United States Penitentiary Usp Terre Haute
release date:February 19, 2019
Zackary Edward Parker, 22
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Anderson, IN
Madison County In Jail
Zaron Staples
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Logansport, IN
Logansport Jail 9394
Zion Smith, 18
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Zackary P Mccarty, 23
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
Zaquan Z Hall, 24
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Zakary Wayne Morgan, 31
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Jeffersonville, IN
Clark County In Michael Belcher Adult Correctional Complex
Zahn Ray Rodriguez, 28
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Jeffersonville, IN
Clark County In Michael Belcher Adult Correctional Complex
Zachery M Huff, 32
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Zambrano M Gonzalez, 26
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Zachary Wayne Spencer, 21
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Albion, IN
Noble County In Jail
Zell Gage Lee
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Danville, IN
Hendricks County In Jail
Zachry D Littleton
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Versailles, IN
Ripley County In Jail
Zachery Shuck
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Peru, IN
Miami County In Jail
Zackary Taylor Jones, 24
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Brownstown, IN
Jackson County In Jail
Zechariah B James, 32
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
1 ... 470 471 472 473 474

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2 thoughts on “Indiana Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I would like to write Jamey Ashley to let him know he’s being thought about. Please let me know his innate number and address to send letter. Thanks

  2. Ronald Joseph Housley now that is concrete evidence that he looks mad! You think he would learn his lesson the first time…. guess not.


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