Indiana Prison Inmate Search

state of Indiana

Indiana Jail Inmate Search

Find Federal Jail Inmate Reports on every Jail Inmate throughout Indiana. Direct access to comprehensive records about any jail inmate throughout Indiana
Records of inmates serving their sentence in Indiana state prisons are maintained by Indiana Department of Corrections (DOC).
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Indiana Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Tyson Dewayne Matthews, 27
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Winamac, IN
Pulaski County In Jail
Inmate Tyson Dewayne Matthews
Tywaun Luis Rios, 39
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Inmate Tywaun Luis Rios
Urian Rasmussen, 26
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Versailles, IN
Ripley County In Jail
Tyson Paris
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Mt. Vernon, IN
Posey County Jail
Tywan Lamont Collins, 38
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Ulises Mejia Perez, 30
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Brazil, IN
Clay County In Jail Ice
Tyson Lynndale Wells, 40
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Anderson, IN
Madison County In Jail
Uriel M Millan Martinez, 22
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Ulises Nmn Mejia Perez, 30
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
Undray Dshawn Wright, 19
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Tyson Maurice Roberts, 41
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
Valerie Ann Harrison, 50
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
Tyson Maurice Mc Coy, 39
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Muncie, IN
Delaware County In Jail
Valentino Bailey, 43
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Valentin Barreto Valenzuela, 31
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New Albany, IN
Floyd County In Jail
Tyson Michael King, 32
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Connersville, IN
Fayette County In Jail
Uzair Paracha, 38
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Terre Haute, IN
United States Penitentiary Usp Terre Haute
release date:May 17, 2029
Ulysses Gilbert, 25
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Terre Haute, IN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Terre Haute
release date:June 7, 2025
Umar Long
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Pendleton, IN
In Doc Pendleton Correctional Facility
release date:September 6, 2021
Tyson Meyers, 29
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Rensselaer, IN
Jasper County In Jail
Tyson Paris,
dob:March 3, 1995
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Mt. Vernon, IN
Posey County Jail
Valentin Lara Mendoza, 22
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Brazil, IN
Clay County In Jail Ice
Tywaun Carter, 24
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Uriah Powell, 20
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Tyson Dewayne Matthews, 28
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Winamac, IN
Pulaski County In Jail
Tyyell Marshay Hall, 27
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Danville, IN
Hendricks County In Jail
Valentino Stephen Griffith, 35
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Tyson Gass
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Fowler, IN
Benton County In Jail
Valencia Shaunte Rose, 28
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
Valerie Getts
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Huntington, IN
Huntington County In Jail
Uriah Lyn Jones, 33
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Tysheen Lorenzo Maxwell, 22
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Tywan James, 31
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Tyson Holland Cortez Howard, 34
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Danville, IN
Hendricks County In Jail
Tyson Lee Harris, 18
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Tywan Eugene Bolden,
dob:January 25, 1981
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Valerie Ann King, 48
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Valparaiso, IN
Porter County Jail
Tyson Scott Walter, 34
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Bluffton, IN
Wells County In Jail
Valentino Orlando Johnson, 23
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Valerie Karen Ramsey, 36
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Wabash, IN
Wabash County In Jail
Tyson Paris,
dob:March 3, 1995
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Mt. Vernon, IN
Posey County Jail
Tywon Danyell Swanson,
dob:April 29, 1984
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Tywaine D Perry, 18
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Anderson, IN
Madison County In Jail
Tyshawn Alexander Winkle, 20
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Muncie, IN
Delaware County In Jail
Ulysses Scott Lewis, 23
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
Usama Ammar
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Westville, IN
In Doc Westville Correctional Facility
release date:December 28, 2022
Ulysses Green, 42
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Valerie Ann Harrison, 49
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Bedford, IN
Lawrence County In Jail
Tyson Berry, 17
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Uriah Lamdul
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New Castle, IN
Henry County In Jail
1 ... 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 ... 474

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2 thoughts on “Indiana Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I would like to write Jamey Ashley to let him know he’s being thought about. Please let me know his innate number and address to send letter. Thanks

  2. Ronald Joseph Housley now that is concrete evidence that he looks mad! You think he would learn his lesson the first time…. guess not.


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