Indiana Prison Inmate Search

state of Indiana

Indiana Jail Inmate Search

Find Federal Jail Inmate Reports on every Jail Inmate throughout Indiana. Direct access to comprehensive records about any jail inmate throughout Indiana
Records of inmates serving their sentence in Indiana state prisons are maintained by Indiana Department of Corrections (DOC).
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Indiana Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
Tory D House, 28
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Inmate Tory D House
Tonya Kay Brown, 30
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Winamac, IN
Pulaski County In Jail
Inmate Tonya Kay Brown
Tosumba Denar Welch, 20
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Bloomfield, IN
Greene County In Jail
Tracey Lynn Buckman, 35
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New Albany, IN
Floyd County In Jail
Tonya Turentine, 47
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Toth Clayton
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Danville, IN
Hendricks County In Jail
Tonya Denise Williams, 40
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Tosh Romon Louk, 39
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Terre Haute, IN
United States Penitentiary Usp Terre Haute
release date:March 17, 2019
Tory D House, 29
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte Jail 9389
Tracey Renee Oxendine,
dob:January 14, 1985
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Tonya L Murphy, 46
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Bedford, IN
Lawrence County In Jail
Tonya Ann Rowe, 31
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Tracey Lee Kimbrew, 52
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Tracey Allen Starkey, 49
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Logansport, IN
Cass County In Jail
Torrance L Gore, 30
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Terre Haute, IN
United States Penitentiary Usp Terre Haute
release date:July 1, 2020
Tosha Sue Carson, 41
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Evansville, IN
Vanderburgh County Detention Center
Tony Wayne Neal, 58
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Covington, IN
Fountain County Jail
Torrey Lamarr Morrow, 27
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Logansport, IN
Cass County In Jail
Torria Johnson, 28
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English, IN
Crawford County In Jail
Totianna Jones, 18
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Torrey Pargo,
dob:November 18, 1986
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail Ii Corecivic
Tonya Sue Fansler,
dob:February 28, 1964
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Tory L Brawner, 46
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Torrence Lamar Hamilton, 48
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Torrey Demonte Harper, 31
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Tonya Alfia Pena,
dob:April 15, 1976
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Tonya Dian Stevens, 48
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Tonya Gordon, 35
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Torra Demond Hill, 43
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Kokomo, IN
Howard County In Jail
Tonya Butler, 35
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Toriano Antoine Goodwin, 39
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Terre Haute, IN
United States Penitentiary Usp Terre Haute
release date:September 27, 2021
Torey Javon Martin, 21
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Tori A Williams, 40
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Torey Eugene Tarter, 18
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Muncie, IN
Delaware County In Jail
Tonya Louise Burton Miller, 42
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
Tracey Pinkney, 55
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Terre Haute, IN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Terre Haute
Tonya Kay Brown, 31
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Kokomo, IN
Howard County In Jail
Tonya Rose Miller, 34
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
Tonya Denise Gaines, 37
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Tonya R Taylor, 51
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Richmond, IN
Wayne County In Correctional Center
Torrion Williams, 23
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Torin Dante Matthews, 48
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Tosha Marie Hallman, 36
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Evansville, IN
Vanderburgh County Detention Center
Torrey Huston, 46
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Tory Ellen Johnson, 24
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Lawrenceburg, IN
Dearborn County Jail
Tracey Lamont Martin, 39
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
Tonya K Hudson, 39
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Tonya Lynn Taylor, 38
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
Tosha Raynae Lambert, 29
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Muncie, IN
Delaware County In Jail
Tonya Waynette Marshall, 42
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Vincennes, IN
Knox County In Jail
1 ... 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 ... 474

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2 thoughts on “Indiana Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I would like to write Jamey Ashley to let him know he’s being thought about. Please let me know his innate number and address to send letter. Thanks

  2. Ronald Joseph Housley now that is concrete evidence that he looks mad! You think he would learn his lesson the first time…. guess not.


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