Indiana Prison Inmate Search

state of Indiana

Indiana Jail Inmate Search

Find Federal Jail Inmate Reports on every Jail Inmate throughout Indiana. Direct access to comprehensive records about any jail inmate throughout Indiana
Records of inmates serving their sentence in Indiana state prisons are maintained by Indiana Department of Corrections (DOC).
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Indiana Prisons Inmate List

Inmate Name, Age Prison Photo
April L Bannwart, 42
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Inmate April L Bannwart
April Jane Hamb, 25
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte County In Jail
Inmate April Jane Hamb
Ariel Christine Smith, 25
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Columbus City, IN
Whitley County In Jail
Inmate Ariel Christine Smith
April L Moss, 43
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LaPorte, IN
La Porte Jail 9389
Aretha Nicole Allen, 38
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Araceli M Munoz, 34
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Lafayette, IN
Tippecanoe County Jail
Arianne Nikole Byrd, 28
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Kokomo, IN
Howard County In Jail
Arafat Maswadeh, 61
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Terre Haute, IN
United States Penitentiary Usp Terre Haute
release date:June 14, 2027
April E Langley, 39
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Areerice Lealon Spencer, 19
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Ardit Ferizi, 23
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Terre Haute, IN
United States Penitentiary Usp Terre Haute
release date:April 7, 2033
Aqondius Steven Moss, 23
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
Argelia Madrigal
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Rockville, IN
In Doc Rockville Correctional Facility Women
Ariana Justine Sue Wagner, 20
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Kokomo, IN
Howard County In Jail
April Lynn Mc Donald, 34
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Muncie, IN
Delaware County In Jail
Archie R Horton, 43
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Versailles, IN
Ripley County In Jail
April Marie Garcia, 35
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
April Lynn Drake, 45
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Valparaiso, IN
Porter County Jail
Archon Terrell Garner, 27
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Richmond, IN
Wayne County In Correctional Center
April Shaneil Albertson, 36
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Scottsburg, IN
Scott County In Jail
Archie Manzanares, 48
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Terre Haute, IN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Terre Haute
release date:November 4, 2025
April Sue Hunter, 26
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Bloomington, IN
Monroe County In Jail
April Elaine Watts, 45
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Logansport, IN
Cass County In Jail
Arie William Hensley, 21
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Corydon, IN
Harrison County In Jail
Ariel Katherine Sioux Smith, 19
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Shelbyville, IN
Shelby County In Jail
April Lynn Mcguire, 36
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Evansville, IN
Vanderburgh County Detention Center
Ariana Renae Thomas, 21
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Arie A Williams, 49
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Arache Christine Gray, 34
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
Aquila Smith, 17
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Indianapolis, IN
Marion County In Jail
Archester Nmn Hall, 61
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Evansville, IN
Vanderburgh County Detention Center
Ardit Ferizi,
dob:December 1, 1995
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Terre Haute, IN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Terre Haute
release date:July 11, 2019
Ara Rashae Davis, 20
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Lafayette, IN
Tippecanoe County Jail
April Marie Bosworth,
dob:May 31, 1983
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Ariel Marie Perez, 26
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Valparaiso, IN
Porter County Jail
April Jo Harding,
dob:August 27, 1976
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
Aram Antwon Lava Daniels, 36
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
April Lynn Foster, 38
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Lafayette, IN
Tippecanoe County Jail
April Dawn Frazier, 42
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Kokomo, IN
Howard County In Jail
April Nicole Highley, 27
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Muncie, IN
Delaware County In Jail
April Dawn Wagner, 41
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
Arcadio Leon Sanchez, 35
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Crown Point, IN
Lake County In Jail
Ardit Ferizi,
dob:December 1, 1995
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Terre Haute, IN
Federal Correctional Institution Fci Terre Haute
April L Patterson, 37
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Bloomfield, IN
Greene County In Jail
Ariel D Munoz, 23
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Elkhart, IN
Elkhart County Corrections Center
April M May, 38
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Bedford, IN
Lawrence County In Jail
April Marie Lashure,
dob:April 11, 1981
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Marion, IN
Grant County In Jail
April Gail Lambert, 34
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Evansville, IN
Vanderburgh County Detention Center
April Dawn Miller, 37
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Boonville, IN
Warrick County Security Center
Arial Lynn Lee, 21
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Ft. Wayne, IN
Allen County Jail
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 474

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2 thoughts on “Indiana Prison Inmate Search”

  1. I would like to write Jamey Ashley to let him know he’s being thought about. Please let me know his innate number and address to send letter. Thanks

  2. Ronald Joseph Housley now that is concrete evidence that he looks mad! You think he would learn his lesson the first time…. guess not.


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